New book: Our Future Proteins – A Diversity of Perspectives


The book Our Future Proteins – A Diversity of Perspectives was released in March. It is edited by researchers at Wageningen University & Research and includes contributions from the food system group. “Without a protein transition, global sustainability targets will be impossible to reach. This book examines the transition to sustainable protein systems in the… Continue reading New book: Our Future Proteins – A Diversity of Perspectives

Ny publikation: A large share of climate impacts of beef and dairy can be attributed to ecosystem services other than food production


Livsmedel från idisslare har en stor klimatpåverkan men kan också bidra till fler ekosystemtjänster, bland annat genom att låta djuren beta naturbetesmarker. När klimatpåverkan för dessa livsmedel beräknas med hjälp av livscykelanalys är det vanligt att endast ta hänsyn till det kött och mjölk som produceras och inte till de övriga ekosystemtjänsterna, vilket riskerar att… Continue reading Ny publikation: A large share of climate impacts of beef and dairy can be attributed to ecosystem services other than food production

New study: Agroecological practices in combination with healthy diets can help meet EU food system policy targets


In this study, an outcome of the Uniseco project, five explorative scenarios for future food systems in the EU were developed in a stakeholder process. Five scenarios emerged varying in the extent to which food system were localised or globalised and including agroecological practices. A range of biophysical, environmental and social indicators, and potential for… Continue reading New study: Agroecological practices in combination with healthy diets can help meet EU food system policy targets

New publication: The climate impact of excess food intake in Sweden


The environmental impacts of food systems and the negative health consequences of excess food intake are well-acknowledged global issues. However, the climate impact of excess food intake, or metabolic food waste, has been less investigated. In this study we investigated the amount of metabolic food waste and its climate impact in Sweden. Excess food intake… Continue reading New publication: The climate impact of excess food intake in Sweden

New publication: Time-dependent climate impact of beef production


In this study we investigated the climate impact of beef production, including changes in soil organic carbon and using two different climate metrics, GWP100 and AGTP. For the later, a time-dependent life cycle assessment was performed in which yearly fluxes of greenhouse gases were considered and the climate impact in terms of temperature response over… Continue reading New publication: Time-dependent climate impact of beef production

A food system approach to assessing sustainable and resilient farming


A recent study published by the Food System Group’s researchers Elin Röös and Bojana Bajželj study a farm that has embarked on a transition to become a “sustainable farm of the future” (in the farmer’s own words). The farm, since long a certified organic lamb meat producer, has moved beyond caring for local impacts at… Continue reading A food system approach to assessing sustainable and resilient farming

Assessing circular food systems: Fish oil substitute produced from food waste


Imagine that you buy three bags of food at the grocery store and throw away one of them before you get home. Seems crazy right? But the truth is that about one-third of the food produced today is wasted, meaning that a considerable amount of food is produced in vain. Overproduction, cosmetic standards, inefficient logistics and overconsumption… Continue reading Assessing circular food systems: Fish oil substitute produced from food waste

Assessing the Circularity of Nutrient Flows in the Okanagan Bioregion, BC Canada


Recent years have seen a steep rise in the interest in ‘nutrient circularity’, ‘closing the nutrient loop’, ‘circular nutrient solutions’, and ‘circular nutrient economy’. As part of a broader food system design project in the Okanagan Bioregion, BC Canada, we took the opportunity to help stakeholders in the bioregion better understand current levels of nutrient… Continue reading Assessing the Circularity of Nutrient Flows in the Okanagan Bioregion, BC Canada

Organic and conventional Swedish pork production compared


Organic Swedish pig production according to KRAV’s regulations performed better than conventional Swedish pig production on 11 of 20 sustainability indicators if the comparison was made per kg of pork, and on 18 out of 20 indicators if the comparison was made per hectare. The indicators included both environmental, social and economic aspects. The organic… Continue reading Organic and conventional Swedish pork production compared

Miljömässiga mervärden med baljväxter som odlas och förädlas i Sverige


Svenska ärtor, bönor och linser kokade och förpackade i Sverige har väsentligt lägre klimatpåverkan än de importerade motsvarigheter vi finner i butikerna. Men om de svenska baljväxterna transporteras långt för förädling försvinner klimatvinsten jämfört med de importerade. Alla baljväxter är dock en mycket klimatsmart proteinkälla i förhållande till animaliskt protein. Att välja svenska baljväxter minskar… Continue reading Miljömässiga mervärden med baljväxter som odlas och förädlas i Sverige