SLU students did a great job at ELLS Scinetific Student Conference!

After some intense but fun days in Germany and at the University of Hohenheim, we’re back in Sweden! The two conferences were successful and I think everyone made new contacts and gained new knowledge while listening to presentations!

Speaking of presentations there were some SLU students participating with oral presentations (but also with poster presentations). I managed to go listen to two of them and they did really good! One of them actually won the first prize for his oral presentation within the subtheme ”Developing Renewable Resources Industrially”. Well done Patrik!

Patrik presenting his master thesis "Bark assortments for tall oil"
Patrik Isacsson presenting his master thesis ”Bark assortments for tall oil”

I was glad that I met all SLU-students that where present at the conference. Unfortunately everyone couldn’t join for the group photo, but some did! Hopefully we will be more SLU-students next year att the conference, which will be arranged in Copenhagen.


The two days before the student conference, me and Anna participaded in the ELLS Annual Conference. That conference is for the ELLS network and meetings are arranged for the Board, Task Force, Support Teams and Subject Areas. The students were also represented through ELSA and we tried to participate in as many meetings as possible. Anna (SLUSS advisor) is the Chair of ELSA so she participated in the Board meeting, and I decided to go to the meeting with the Subject Area Bioeconomy. It was very interesting!

Anna and me at ELLS Annual Conference
Anna and me at ELLS Annual Conference

I think ELLS is a great network with a lot of potential. Many students doesn’t know that the reason we have quite many oppotunities for exchange in Europe, is because of ELLS! During next year ELSA has planned to make ELLS more visible among students at the different university, so keep an eye open for that!

Members of the Euroleague Student Assosiation, ELSA.
Members of the Euroleague Student Assosiation (ELSA).

Do you think that it seems like fun du be a part of ELLS and ELSA and want to be a part of the group above? You have a chance to represent the students at SLU in ELLS/ELSA by applying for SLUSS vice chair. Last day to apply is on Friday 18/11!

/Karolina Ottosson

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