Best Paper Award for “Recycling Nutrients Contained in Human Excreta to Agriculture: Pathways, Processes, and Products”


Over the past years, research on technologies to recover nutrients from human excreta and domestic wastewater has intensified to such an extent that it has become difficult even for researchers in the field to keep track of new developments. In 2019, Harder and colleagues published a paper in Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology that aimed to provide a synthesis of available and proposed nutrient recovery pathways, covering both processes and products rendered by treatment.

Barely is growing well!


With the moisture and warming sun, the barley from our urine fertilizer trials are growing nicely. Planted April 30th. At this stage there is no visible difference between the treatments (no fertilizer, conventional fertilizer and urine fertilizer).

Master student analyserar nÀringsflöden


Jag heter Sharareh Farshchiha och gör min masterexamen i miljövetenskap vid Göteborgs universitet. Jag gör mitt examensarbete för Sweden Water Research i samarbete med Robin Harder som min handledare pÄ SLU. Syftet med studien Àr att kartlÀgga och analysera cirkuleringen av nÀringsflöden (N, P, K) för nuvarande jordbrukssystem, livsmedelsförbrukning och avfallshantering i Sverige. För att analysera nÀringsflödena delades det svenska livsmedelssystemet in i fem delsystem och analysen utfördes med fokus pÄ: 1. jordbruksmark, 2. boskapsproduktion, 3. livsmedelsbearbetning, 4. livsmedelskonsumtion och 5. resthantering. De fem delsystemen undersöktes med interna och externa nÀringsflöden i Ätanke. Internt flöde representerar det regionala livsmedelssystemet medan externa flöden avser alla livsmedelssystem utanför Sveriges geografiska region som interagerar med det regionala livsmedelssystemet genom import och export av livsmedel och foder. För att berÀkna mÀngden nÀringsÀmnen i de fem delsystemen associerade med externa och interna flöden utfördes en berÀkningsmodell i Microsoft Excel. ModellberÀkningen i denna studie har utvecklats av Robin Harder för det svenska livsmedelssystemet. Utvidgningen av modellen för avfallssystem gjordes av ett samarbete mellan mig och en student frÄn Lunds universitet, Emma Enström, som gör sin avhandling inom samma Àmne men för SkÄne.

Master student analyses nutrient flows


My name is Sharareh Farshchiha and I am doing my master in Environmental Science at Gothenburg University. I write my master thesis for Sweden Water Research in collaboration with Robin Harder as my supervisor in SLU.  The aim of the study is to map and analyze the circularity of nutrient flows (N, P, K) for the current agricultural system, food consumption, and waste management infrastructure in Sweden. To analysis the nutrient flows, the Swedish food system was divided into five subsystems where the analysis performed focused on: 1. agricultural land, 2. livestock production, 3. food processing, 4. food consumption, and 5. residual management. The five subsystems was investigated considering internal and external nutrient flows. Internal flow represents the regional food system while the external flow relates to any food system outside of the geographical region of Sweden which interacts with the regional food system by food and feed imports and exports. To calculate the amount of nutrients in the five subsystems associated with external and internal flows, a calculation model was performed in Microsoft Excel. The model calculation in this study was developed by Robin Harder for Swedish food system. The extend of the model for waste system was done by a collaboration between me and a student from Lund University, Emma Enström, who is doing her master thesis in the same topic but for SkÄne.  

Presentation about larvae for high school students held from the office


Friday afternoon, the 23rd of April, Lovisa Lindberg was standing in her office and held a presentation about larvae as a substitute for fish feed for high school students from VĂ€rmdö municipality. This was a part of BSSC’s (Baltic Sea Science Center) theme week at Skansen where they invited different experts to talk about their science projects related to the Baltic Sea. Classes from grade 9 up to grade 12 booked the lectures they wanted to attend to during this week. In addition to the lectures, they were sent material in advance to read or watch such as popular summaries about the topic or if there were any videos available. After the lecture, the work continued with a scientific paper related to the topic and the goal was for them to get an understanding of how a scientific paper is written.

Presentation om larver för gymnasieelever frÄn kontoret


Fredagseftermiddagen den 23 april stod Lovisa Lindberg pĂ„ sitt kontor och höll i en presentation om larver som alternativt fiskfoder för gymnasieelever frĂ„n VĂ€rmdö kommun. Detta var en del av BSSC:s (Baltic Sea Science Center) temavecka pĂ„ Skansen dĂ€r olika experter bjudits in för att hĂ„lla förelĂ€sningar anknutna till Östersjön. Klasser frĂ„n 9:an och pĂ„ gymnasienivĂ„ fick boka in sig pĂ„ de olika förelĂ€sningarna. Utöver förelĂ€sningen sĂ„ fick eleverna förberedande material i form av en populĂ€rvetenskaplig sammanfattning samt om det fanns nĂ„gon typ av video tillgĂ€nglig. Som efterarbete kommer de lĂ€sa en vetenskaplig artikel relaterat till Ă€mnet och fĂ„ en överblick pĂ„ hur en vetenskaplig artikel Ă€r skriven.

Rapport frÄn tematiskt seminarium om Ätercirkulation av nÀringsÀmnen frÄn stads- till landsbygdsomrÄden


I Sverige idag finns ett glapp mellan aktörer som arbetar inom avlopp-, och avfallsindustrin och aktörer som arbetar inom jord-, och lantbruk och livsmedelsindustrin. Samtidigt finns en vilja att överbrygga detta glapp. Den 5 november 2020 höll svenska nĂ€ringsplattformen (SNP) och projektet Avloppsvattnets-slut ett gemensamt temaseminarium som hette Recirkulering av nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen mellan stad och land – vad vill gödselanvĂ€ndaren ha? Vid detta digitala seminarium diskuterade 40 aktörer frĂ„n den svenska livsmedels-, och avfallshanteringssektorn vilka egenskaper de önskade att gödselprodukter Ă„tervunna frĂ„n olika sanitetssystem – kĂ€llsorterande sĂ„vĂ€l som frĂ„n konventionellt avlopp – skulle ha, samt hur anvĂ€ndningen av dessa kan frĂ€mjas. Som stöd i seminariet fanns en litteraturgenomgĂ„ng och en uppsĂ€ttning intervjuer och kartlĂ€ggningar som förberetts till seminariet. Rapporten sammanfattar resultaten frĂ„n detta seminarium.

Report from thematic workshop on recirculating nutrients from urban to rural areas


In Sweden, as is the case in many places, there are signs of a disconnect between actors working in waste sectors and those working in farming, food, and agriculture. Yet there is a desire to bridge this gap. On 5 November 2020, the Swedish Nutrient Platform (SNP) and the project End-of-wastewater jointly held a thematic workshop on the topic of recirculating nutrients from urban to rural areas. In this multi-stakeholder digital workshop, 40 actors from the Swedish food and waste management sectors discussed desired characteristics of recycled fertilizer products derived from human excreta and wastewater, including how their uptake could be promoted. The workshop was guided by a literature review and a suite of interviews and surveys that were conducted prior to the workshop. The report summarizes the results from the workshop.

Kan Sverige uppnÄ en cirkulÀr ekonomi för fosfor?


Behovet av en mer cirkulÀr anvÀndning av nÀringsÀmnen, sÀrskilt fosfor (P), har diskuterats i stor utstrÀckning i Sverige, inte minst som svar pÄ den nyslÀppta utredningen om hÄllbar slamhantering (SOU 2020: 3). Hur skulle en övergÄng till en cirkulÀr ekonomi för fosfor kunna se ut? Hur mycket fosfor behövs för produktion av biomassa i Sverige? Och vilka möjligheter finns det att ersÀtta den, frÄn jungfrulig kÀlla, brett anvÀnda mineralfosforn med fosfor frÄn sekundÀra kÀllor?

Can Sweden achieve a circular economy for phosphorus?


The need for a more circular use of nutrients, notably phosphorus (P), has been widely discussed in Sweden, not least in response to the release of the new enquiry on sustainable use of sewage sludge (SOU 2020:3). But what would a transition to a circular economy for phosphorus look like? How much phosphorus is needed for biomass production in Sweden? And what possibilities are there to replace the widely used virgin mineral phosphorus with phosphorus from secondary sources?