Lovisa Lindberg, M.Sc. UtslÀpp av vÀxthusgaser och ammoniak under fluglarvskompostering


Dagligen lÀcker vÀxthusgaser ut till atmosfÀren vÀrlden över som pÄverkar klimatet negativt. Dessa lÀckage sker bland annat frÄn illa skötta och oplanerade deponier dÀr mycket organiskt avfall hamnar. Vad kan göras för att fÄ ut nÄgot utav vÀrde frÄn organiskt avfall och förhindra att det hamnar pÄ deponier vilket skulle minska utslÀppen av vÀxthusgaser? Den amerikanska vapenflugans larver kan anvÀndas för detta ÀndamÄl dÄ de livnÀr sig pÄ organiskt avfall och kan halvera mÀngden avfall. Larverna kan separeras frÄn det behandlade avfallet och anvÀndas i djurfoder och behandlingsresten kan anvÀndas som organiskt gödningsmedel. Resurserna i det organiska avfallet behöver Äterinföras i kretsloppet för att skapa ett hÄllbart samhÀlle dÄ tillgÄngarna pÄ jorden sinar, detta genom att avfallet omvandlas och att resurserna i avfallet anvÀnds.

Eftersom att det Àr förbjudet att utfodra produktionsdjur med animaliska biprodukter enligt artikel 22.1.b i Europaparlamentets och rÄdets förordning (EG) nr 1774/2002, sÄ kan inte larverna utfodras med organiskt avfall dÄ flugan anses vara ett produktionsdjur. Vegetabiliska substrat Àr dÀremot tillÄtna att utfodra fluglarverna med men det behövs mer kunskap om hur larverna ska kunna tillgodogöra sig den svÄrtillgÀngliga nÀringen i dessa substrat. En lösning skulle kunna vara att förbehandla substratet vilket undersöktes i denna studie dÀr förbehandlingarna utfördes med svamp respektive med ammoniumlösning.

Syftet med denna studie var att utvÀrdera utslÀpp av vÀxthusgaserna koldioxid, lustgas och metangas samt ammoniak frÄn fluglarvskompostering och hur effektivt fluglarvskomposteringen fungerar för nedbrytning av vegetabiliska substrat. För mer ingÄende information om Àmnet hittas i rapporten, upplagd i Diva.

Lovisa Lindberg, M.Sc. Emissions of greenhouse gases and ammonia during fly larvae composting


Every day, greenhouse gases leak out to the atmosphere around the world, which has a negative impact on the climate. These leakages occur, among other things, from poorly managed and unplanned landfills where a lot of the organic waste ends up. What can be done to get something out of value from organic waste and prevent it from ending up in landfills, which would reduce greenhouse gas emissions? The black soldier fly larvae can be used for this purpose as they feed on organic waste and can halve the amount of waste. The larvae can be separated from the treated waste and then be used in animal feed and the treatment residue can be used as an organic fertilizer. The resources in the organic waste need to be reintroduced into the cycle in order to create a sustainable society since the assets of the earth are declining, this by converting waste and using the resources in waste.

Since it is prohibited to feed production animals with animal by-products according to Article 22 (1) (b) of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the larvae cannot be fed organic waste because the fly is considered to be a production animal. Vegetable substrates, on the other hand, are permitted to feed the larvae, but more knowledge is needed on how the larvae can absorb the difficult nutrients of these substrates. One solution could be to pretreat the substrate, which was investigated in this study where the pretreatments were performed with fungi or with ammonium solution, respectively.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate emissions of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane gas, and ammonia from fly larvae composting and how efficiently fly larvae composting works for the degradation of vegetable substrates. For more detailed information on the subject, read the thesis (in Swedish) or abstract (English), published in Diva.

Sweden to Finland – the urine drying technology travels for pilot testing!


On 25th March, three members from our group, Prithvi Simha, Giulio Zorzetto, and Caroline Karlsson headed off to Finland with a trailer full of parts that make up a urine drying treatment system. They arrived after in Finland after an overnight ferry crossing and are currently in the city of Tampere. Here, with the help of our partners in Finland, they will integrate the technology into a mobile toilet that will be operational during the first week of March.

Constructing a pilot urine drying system


Since the beginning of this year, the Kretsloppsteknik group has been working towards building a system to pilot the urine drying technology. Several members of the group have been involved in designing, constructing, simulating and testing a system with a capacity to treat 30 L of urine every day in <1 square meters surface area. Over this time, we conducted several experiments, both indoors and outdoors (see picture above). The system is intended to be piloted by integrating it with a portable/mobile toilet that will be installed in Finland during the first week of March to treat 30 L urine/day.

More updates to follow!

Director General of SIDA and the Vice-Chancellor of SLU visited the Greenhouse


On Wednesday (13/2-2019) the Director General of SIDA Carin JÀmtin and the Vice-Chancellor of SLU Karin Holmgren honoured us with a visit to our BSF facility. Also on the visit, from SIDA, were Senior Research Advisor Eva Ohlsson and Policy Advisor Esse Nilsson, and from SLU Pro Vice-Chancellor, international relations Ylva Hillbur, Head of SLU Global Sara GrÀslund and communicator Malin Planting.
During the visit we demonstrated the concept of turning waste into value by converting it into larval biomass that can be used as animal feed. We in the group were pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm with which the visitors put their hands into the fly larvae compost in order to feel the heat being generated in the degradation process and the movement of the larvae.

Click here to see SLU news coverage of this visit 

Besök av SIDA:s generaldirektör och SLU:s rektor i vÀxthuset


I onsdags (13/2-2019) fick vi Àran att visa bÄde SIDA:s generaldirektör Carin JÀmtin och SLU:s rektor Karin Holmgren vÄr fluglarvsbehandling. Med pÄ besöket frÄn SIDA var Àven forskningssekreterare Eva Ohlsson och ÀmnesföretrÀdare Esse Nilsson och frÄn SLU vicerektor internationella relationer Ylva Hillbur, SLU Globals enhetschef Sara GrÀslund och kommunikatör Malin Planting.
Under besöket visade vi upp konceptet om hur mervÀrde kan skapas ur organiskt avfall genom att omvandla avfallet till fluglarver som kan anvÀndas som djurfoder. Vi i gruppen överraskades med vilken entusiasm besökarna stack ner hÀnderna i fluglarvskomposterna för att kÀnna pÄ vÀrmen som alstras i nedbrytningsprocessen och av larvernas rörelse.

Click here to see SLU news coverage of this visit

Nils Ewald, M.Sc. thesis on fatty acid composition of BSF larvae


After almost half a year of work, Nils Ewald presented his master’s thesis last week for the audience at the Department of Molecular Sciences. In the thesis he investigated the relation between the fatty acid composition of the Black soldier fly larvae, and the different waste materials that were fed to the larvae. From the work it was found that the larvae contains a high proportion of saturated fatty acids, but that the growth of the larvae, as well as the fatty acid composition of the substrate, affects the fatty acid profile of the larvae. Since Black soldier fly larvae was a new topic for many in the audience, there came a lot of curious questions such as: Are the larvae safe to use? What are the ethical aspects of producing insects?
There is still a lot we don’t know about the Black solider fly, but the only way to find out more is by further investigating the creature. For the future, the hope is that it will be possible to publish the results from the study in a scientific journal.

Nils Ewald, examensarbete om fettsyrasammansÀttning av BSF-larver


Efter nĂ€stan ett halvt Ă„rs arbete presenterade Nils Ewald sin examensarbetare förra veckan för publiken vid Institutionen för molekylĂ€ra vetenskaper. I avhandlingen undersökte han förhĂ„llandet mellan fettsyrasammansĂ€ttningen hos amerikanska vapenflugslarver och de olika avfallsmaterial som matats till larverna. FrĂ„n arbetet konstaterades att larverna innehĂ„ller en hög andel mĂ€ttade fettsyror, men att tillvĂ€xten av larverna, sĂ„vĂ€l som fettsyrasammansĂ€ttningen i substratet, pĂ„verkar fettsyraprofilen hos larverna. Eftersom amerikanska vapenflugslarver var ett nytt Ă€mne för mĂ„nga i publiken fanns det mĂ„nga nyfikna frĂ„gor som: Är larverna sĂ€kra att anvĂ€nda? Vilka Ă€r de etiska aspekterna av att producera insekter?

Det finns fortfarande mycket vi inte vet om den svarta fasta flugan, men det enda sÀttet att ta reda pÄ mer Àr genom att undersöka varelsen ytterligare. För framtiden Àr hoppet att det gÄr att publicera resultaten av studien i en vetenskaplig tidskrift.

Ny publication: Polymers 2019, 11, 287; doi:10.3390/polym11020287

Materialet som tillverkades frÄn de avfettade larverna.

A Protein-Based Material from a New Approach Using Whole Defatted Larvae, and Its Interaction with Moisture
Nazanin Alipour, Björn VinnerÄs, Fabrice Gouanvé, Eliane Espuche and Mikael S. Hedenqvist

Ett proteinbaserat material frĂ„n hela avfettade larver frĂ„n Amerikansk Vapenfluga presenteras. Efter att larvfetterna avlĂ€gsnats och en plasticizer tillsats kunde materialet kompressionsgjutas till plattor/fim. Fettet som var rikt pĂ„ mĂ€ttade fettsyror har en möjlig anvĂ€ndning som smörjmedel. Aminosyrorna som var i majoritet var aspartansyra/asparagin och glutaminsyra/glutamine. Infraför spektorskopi visade att proteinmaterialet hade hög andel av starkt vĂ€tebundna ÎČ-sheets, detta indikerade pĂ„ hög aggregering för proteinet. För att utvĂ€rdera fukt-protein interaktionen utvĂ€rderades materialets vattenupptag. Upptaget av vĂ€tska följde ett BET type III moisture sorption isotherm, vilket kunde passas in i en Guggenheim, Anderson och de Boer (GAB) eekvation. GAB, kombinerat med klusterstorleksanalyser visade att vattnet bildade kluster i materialet redan vid lĂ„ga fukthalter.och att klustrens storlek ökade med ökad luftfuktighet.

New Publication Polymers 2019, 11, 287; doi:10.3390/polym11020287

The material that was produced by the defatted larvae.

A Protein-Based Material from a New Approach Using Whole Defatted Larvae, and Its Interaction with Moisture
Nazanin Alipour, Björn VinnerÄs, Fabrice Gouanvé, Eliane Espuche and Mikael S. Hedenqvist

A protein-based material created from a new approach using whole defatted larvae of the Black Soldier fly is presented. After removing the larva lipid and adding a plasticizer, the ground material was compression molded into plates/films. The lipid, rich in saturated fatty acids, can be used in applications such as lubricants. The amino acids present in the greatest amounts were the essential amino acids aspartic acid/asparagine and glutamic acid/glutamine. Infrared spectroscopy revealed that the protein material had a high amount of strongly hydrogen-bonded ÎČ-sheets, indicative of a highly aggregated protein. To assess the moisture–protein material interactions, the moisture uptake was investigated. The moisture uptake followed a BET type III moisture sorption isotherm, which could be fitted to the Guggenheim, Anderson and de Boer (GAB) equation. GAB, in combination with cluster size analysis, revealed that the water clustered in the material already at a low moisture content and the cluster increased in size with increasing relative humidity. The clustering also led to a peak in moisture diffusivity at an intermediate moisture uptake.