Urine drying from Sanitation360:Semi-finalists at the FAMAE Water Challenge


This year, members of the Kretsloppsteknik group at SLU started Sanitation360, a startup company which aims to commercialise the urine dehydration technology being developed at SLU. As Sanitation360, we participated in the FAMAE Water Challenge (“Precious Water!”) where the goal was to design a simple and innovative product or service to preserve water, make it cleaner & accessible to everyone. Sanitation360’s innovative urine dehydrating toilet was selected amongst the Semi-finalists of the competition, finishing among the TOP 100 of more than 3,000 candidates from 120 countries. According to the Jury, our “disruptive phosphorous-capture toilet convinced the team and the Jury”.

FAMAE is an independent family foundation that supports innovation in the field of environnement. The foundation organizes every year an International Challenge to help inventors to create simple and innovative solutions that can substantially improve our daily lives, while significantly alleviating environmental footprints.

1-2 ton matavfall behandlat i Eskilstuna


Under de senaste 2 Ären har kretsloppsgruppen samarbetat med avfallsanlÀggningen i Eskilstuna för att behandla matavfall med hjÀlp av den amerikanska vapenflugans larver. Med denna teknik som har utvecklats inom gruppen under de senaste 10 Ären försöker vi uppnÄ att Ätervinna nÀringsÀmnena i organiska avfallsflöden och Äterinföra dem in i nÀringskedjan genom att producera foder för boskap. Genom detta samarbete har en pilotanlÀggning satts upp med mÄlet att behandla 1 ton matavfall per dag. Efter att med framgÄng ha uppnÄtt en stabil produktion av 1 miljon minilarver per dag i flugkolonin pÄ SLU sÄ var nÀsta steg att behandla 1 ton matavfall med larverna pÄ pilotanlÀggningen. Utöver att vi lyckades med att behandla 1 ton matavfall per dag sÄ lyckades vi nyligen att fördubbla mÀngden behandlat matavfall till 2 ton per dag. Just nu Àr vi tillbaka i labbet för att analysera resultaten.

1-2 tons food waste treated by BSF composting in Eskilstuna


In the past 2 years, the environmental engineering group has been collaborating with the waste management company of Eskilstuna in order to treat food waste with black soldier fly larvae. This technology, developed within the group over the past 10 years, aims to recover the nutrients present in organic waste streams and reintroduce them into the food chain by producing feed for livestock. With this collaboration, a pilot plant was set up with the goal of treating 1 ton of food waste per day. After having successfully achieved a stable production of 1 million young larvae per day in the fly colony at SLU, the next step was to treat 1 ton of food waste with the larvae at the pilot plant. Not only did we managed to treat 1 ton of food waste per day but recently managed to double the treated food waste reaching 2 tons per day. Right now, we are back in the lab to analyse the results.

Spel för resursÄtervinning testat i Uganda


Den 25 april höll SPANS-teamet en workshop om ”serious gaming” vid Makerere University, Uganda. Vi presenterade det spelet som vi har utvecklat inom SPANS-projektet – SanitetsPlanering för Alternativa NĂ€ringsĂ„tervinningsSystem (se Blogg post 201-12-05). MĂ„let med workshopen var att presentera ett ”serious game” för ökad förstĂ„else för resursĂ„tervinning frĂ„n sanitetssystem. Serious games Ă€r ett verktyg för att öka engagemang och planering för att informera VA-beslutsfattande processer. Deltagarna fick bakgrundsinformation om serious games och spelade sedan en prototyp av spelet. Workshop deltagare inkluderade representanter frĂ„n ministeriet för miljö och vatten, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Kampala Capital City Authorities, lokala konsulter och personal frĂ„n lokala universitet. Reflektioner och diskussioner efter spelande har gett feedback för vidareutveckling av spelet. Spelet var vĂ€l mottaget och flera deltagare bjöd oss tillbaka för att testa det fĂ€rdiga spelet inom riktiga planeringsprocessen.

Game for Resource Recovery tested in Uganda


On the 25th of April, the SPANS team held a workshop on serious gaming “Games for Resource Recovery in Sanitation” at Makerere University, Uganda. We presented the serious game that we have been developing within the SPANS project – Sanitation Planning for Alternative Nutrient-Recovery Systems (see Blogg post 201-12-05). The aim of the workshop was to present a serious game for increasing understanding of resource recovery from sanitation systems. Serious gaming is a tool for engagement and planning to inform sanitation decision making. Participants were provided with background information about serious gaming and then played a prototype of the game. Workshop participants included representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Water, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Kampala Capital City Authorities, local consultants and staff from local universities. Reflections and discussion after the workshop have provided feedback for further development of the game. The game was well received and several stakeholders invited us back to test the finalized game within actual planning processes.

JordbruksfĂ€ltförsök pĂ„ torkat urin – “Granurin”


Under perioden december 2018 till februari 2019 har vi installerat och anvĂ€nt 8 stycken prototyper av urinsorteringsanordningar i familjestorlek, i Uppsala. I slutet av processen lyckades vi producera 40 kg torrt gödselmedel (vilket vĂ„ra kollegor i Frankrike kallar för ”granurin”) med ett kvĂ€veinnehĂ„ll pĂ„ 10 %. Vi lyckades sĂ„lunda torka nĂ€stan 500 liter urin, vilket Ă€r vad en genomsnittlig person urinerar pĂ„ ett Ă„r. Detta gödselmedel appliceras nu och testas som en del av AGROCAPI-projektet, dĂ€r syftet Ă€r att “studera den agronomiska valoriseringen av produkter som hĂ€rrör frĂ„n urinkĂ€llans separation”. Försöken utförs i Frankrike av Tristan Martin och kollegor vid det nationella institutet för jordbruksforskning (INRA).

Cllick to read more about the AGROCAPI project

Agricultural field trials on dehydrated urine – “Granurin”


Between December 2018 and February 2019, we installed and used eight family-scale urine dehydrator prototypes in Uppsala. At the end of this period, we managed to produce 40 kg of dry fertiliser (which our collegues in France call “granurin”) with a nitrogen content of 10%. We thus managed to dry nearly 500 L of urine, which is what an average person urinates in a year. This fertiliser is now being applied and tested as part of the AGROCAPI project, where the intent is to ‘study the agronomic valorization of products resulting from urine source separation’. The trials are being carried out in France by Tristan Martin and colleagues at the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA).

Cllick to read more about the AGROCAPI project

Makoto joins Kretsloppsteknik


Hi, I’m Makoto from Japan. I will work on the analysis of perfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) and pharmaceuticals in wastewater with Sahar Dalahmeh at SLU’s Kretsloppsteknik group. Since I have been interested in sanitation research right from my Environmental Engineering bachelor studies in Japan, I am grateful for this opportunity to continue to learn and work at SLU.

Makoto gÄr med i Kretsloppsteknik


Hej, jag heter Makoto och kommer frÄn Japan. Jag kommer att arbeta med analys av perfluoroalkylsubstanser (PFAS) och lÀkemedel i avloppsvatten med Sahar Dalahmeh frÄn SLU:s Kretsloppsteknikgrupp. Eftersom jag har varit intresserad av sanitetsforskning frÄn mina kandidatstudier i miljöteknik i Japan, Àr jag tacksam för denna möjlighet att fortsÀtta lÀra och arbeta pÄ SLU.