The EU projects EUROLEGUME and LEGATO are organizing a scientific conference to mark the final year of the two projects. The conference will be held in Novi Sad, Serbia, 27-28 September 2017, and is open to anyone interested in research on legumes in broad terms. Read more at
Kategori: Andra baljväxtinitiativ
Många baljväxtprojekt på gång! Many legume related projects ongoing!
Below is a list of projects, companies and initiatives related to legumes. Let us know the ones we missed –
Blue cheese tofu based on Swedish fava beans and soybeans, a project which aims at developing a product similar to blue cheese that is based on fava beans and soybeans grown in Sweden. and
EUROLEGUME (2014-2017) is an EU project with the overall objective to improve the sustainable production of leguminous crops and their multipurpose use, including the evaluation of new food and feed products.
Fagraslätt farm produces several different grain legumes, with possibility for distribution directly to consumers
Food for progress, a company that produces ingredients and foods based on common beans and faba beans (aka fava beans or field beans).
FIOL – Focus on Intercropping in Organic Legumes (2015-2017). A Swedish participatory research project aiming to identify factors that could stimulate an increased use of grain legume-cereal intercrops in Swedish organic production of legumes for food and feed.
Grey peas – an unused resource in Swedish gastronomy—en-oanvand-resurs-i-den-nordiska-gastronomin/
Harvest of green faba beans (field beans), about using the immature green faba bean seeds as a vegetable (similar to frozen green peas),cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=388&cntnt01returnid=53 and
LEGATO (2014-2017) is an EU project with the overall objective to promote the culture of grain legumes by identifying, assessing and suggesting novel varietal development, culture practices, and food uses.
Lupin for innovation of climate smart and tasty foods
Nordisk råvara, a company that works with farmers, restaurants, shops and other actors to promote the consumption of traditional and new Swedish legumes.
Swedish fava; small-scale processing of faba beans for use as food ingredients.
Swedish legumes as raw material for the food industry is a project supported by a group formation grant within the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) framework.—innovationsstoed-fran-jordbruksverket
Swedish Organic Lentils (2017-2019) is a Swedish project aiming to investigate possibilities to increase the Swedish organic production of lentil, by assessing how intercropping with different supporting crops and different methods for mechanical weed management influence weed abundance and lentil yields.
Swedish Tempeh made from peas and—ett-kottigt-vegoprotein-med-unika-halsomervarden/