Congratulaitons to Urankhaich Batsukh for winning the Global sustainability award!


Urankhaich Batsukh, MSc student of Environmental Economics and Management, won the Global sustainability award at SLU Ultuna’s Thesis Day 2022, with the title “The role of business intermediaries to advance circular bioeconomy”.

The aim of the study was to investigate the role of business intermediaries in recycling plant-essential nutrients from wastewater. The empirical context is the implementation of nutrient recycling from wastewater for agricultural applications in Sweden. Since many firms specialized in the field, a multi-case study approach was conducted on Biototal, C-Green, Easymining, Ekobalans, Lantmännen, and LRF. The data was collected from six-semi structured interviews with secondary data.

Är det dags att spola vattentoaletten?


Hör Björn Vinnerås och andra forskare prata om framtidens vattensystem i Sverige Radio P1s program om toaletter nu och i framtiden. Programmet fokuserar på vattentoaletten och vilken funktion den har och om det är möjligt att vi i framtiden har andra toalettlösningar. Det Björn pratar om är gruppens forskning kring att producera ett torrt koncentrerat urinbaserat gödsel.

Klicka här för att lyssna på programmet.

Is it time to flush the water closet?



Hear Björn Vinnerås together with other researchers talk about the future water systems in program 1 at Swedish national radio. The focus of the program is the water closet, its function today and if it is possible to have different solutions in the future. Björn presents the research the group perform regarding the production of a dry urine based fertilizer.

Click here to access the talk (in Swedish).

Nailing of Alice Isibika’s PhD thesis!


On Wednesday the 18th of May 2022, Alice Isibika nailed her PhD Thesis titled ‘Use of pre-treatments and substrate blending to enhance process efficiency in black soldier fly larvae composting of food industry waste’. Welcome to join her public defence of the Thesis that will take place on 8th of June 2022 at 13.00.

Abstract: Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) composting is a biowaste treatment that converts biomass into valuable animal protein and fertiliser, but low protein content and complex molecules (e.g. fibre) in substrate reduce BSFL composting efficiency. This thesis evaluated the impact of using pre-treatments and blending substrates on BSFL process efficiency. The feasibility of using BSFL composting to treat available food industry waste streams in Tanzania and physical-chemical characteristics of these wastes were also assessed. The pre-treatments tested were biological, chemical, heat-based, biochemical and combinations of these, while blending involved mixing banana and orange peels with fish waste. All pre-treatments except heating and all substrate blends improved BSFL conversion efficiency in composting. The conversion efficiency was reduced by high concentrations of tannins, phenols, carbohydrates, fibre and fat, but increased by high protein and nitrogen concentrations. The available food industry waste from single companies in Tanzania, in quantities of ~100,000-1,000,000 kg y-1, was not sufficiently nutritionally balanced as a standalone feedstock for BSFL composting. However, with pre-treatment and substrate blending, BSFL composting could be successfully implemented to valorise biowaste streams in cities in low and middle-income countries such as Tanzania and other similar settings globally.

Elena Lemaître joins the Urine Drying Project


My name is Elena Lemaître. I come from France and I have justed finished my fourth year at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes. I study chemistry and I specialise in processes for environmental protection. At SLU, I am part of the urine drying research team. I work on the effect of salt concentration in dehydrated urine in relation to the enzymatic activity of urea degrading enzyme urease. I will be here until the end of August.

Nea Ahopalo joins the Urine Drying Project



My name is Nea Ahopalo. I have just completed my second year of environmental engineering studies at Tampere University of Applied Sciences in Finland, which is also my home country. At SLU, I will be joining the urine drying research team. My responsibilities include researching the efficiencies of urine drying systems and determining how long one system can be used continually before chemical replacements need to be made. I will be staying in Uppsala until the end of July this year.

SLU’s Urine Drying in Deutsche Welle (DW)


Beatrice Christofaro captures the argument quite well as to why source-separated fractions like #urine should be recycled in this #DeutscheWelle (DW) article.

The way we manage nutrients in our wastewater and produce food globally is not sustainable. Countries are vulnerable changes in supply of fertilizers, as they’re produced using non-renewable feedstock such as natural gas, coal, and phosphate rock. Majority of the fertilisers used globally are also produced by a handful of countries. So its not a big suprise to us that fertiliser prices have soared recently and food price inflation has increased.
But we can make food production more resilient. Read the article and see how the #SLU and #Sanitation360 solution could increase local food security.

Read Full Article here:

2022 Barley season has begun!


Jenna Senecal joined Bo and Freda from Hushållnings sällskapet in seeding the barley. We have four treatments: no fertilizer, mineral fertilizer, Uppsala Fertilizer and Gotland Fertilizer (that last two are urine based and have been stabilized with different types of media). It is very exciting to have reached this stage where the urine fertilizer is being applied with conventional farming equipment.  Keep posted for the performance – last year’s harvest went great!

Photo by Jenna Senecal

Oliver Pay joins the Urine Drying Project


My name is Oliver Pay. I am originally from the UK, but I now live in Finland and study environmental engineering at Tampere University of Applied Sciences, where I have just finished my second year. At SLU, I will be part of the urine drying research team. My responsibilities at SLU are to research efficiencies of urine drying systems, and to determine how long a system can be used before there needs to be chemical replacement. I will be here until the end of July this year.