Interest of Swedish Wastewater organisations to learn about pharmaceutical fate during sewage sludge post treatment storage & reclaimed water recycling in agriculture


Fate of pharmaceuticals during sewage sludge storage and composting and Use of reclaimed water in agriculture: Potential, technologies, implementation, regulations and other aspects, were among the topics presented in Annual Intranet workshop VA- kluster Mäladalen 22-23rd of august 2019. Sahar Dalahmeh hold the lectures and very active discussion followed the presentations.  For more information, please contact Sahar Dalahmeh (

Wastewater irrigation for sustainable Water-food- energy nexus


Sahar Dalahmeh, researcher at the group was invited as a key note speaker in the International Workshop in Water, food and energy nexus organised within the 10th national conference of environmental chemistry in Tianjin in China 16-19th August 2019. In her talk, Sahar highlighted the important potential of using wastewater for irrigation for food production. She also presented her latest results on whether Micro pollutants, such as pharmaceuticals and PFAS can be a risk when wastewater is used for irrigated agriculture. For more information, please contact Sahar Dalahmeh (

Insecta Conference, Potsdam 5-6 September


On the 5th and 6th of September Giulio attended to the Isecta conference in Potzdam (Germany). The conference gave valuable insights and the latest finding on the topic of insects for food and feed covering several aspects of the sector, from the legislation point of view to basic research and optimisation of rearing systems. At the event attended more than 230 people between scientist and businesses from 38 countries underling the growth of the sector and public interest on the topic.

Book chapter within the framework of the Global Water Pathogen Project about Salmonella in relation to wastewater


The chapter brings up, occurrence, epidemiology, analysing techniques and treatment technology. The chapter is available at the link below

Hasan, R., Nordin, A.C., Shakoor, S., Keenum, I. and Vinneras, B. 2019. Salmonella, Enteric Fevers, and Salmonellosis. In: J.B. Rose and B. Jiménez-Cisneros, (eds) Global Water Pathogen Project. ( A. Pruden, N. Ashbolt and J. Miller (eds) Part 3 Baceteria) Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, UNESCO.

Kretsloppsteknik at the 3rd IWA Resource Recovery Conference


Between 8th and 12th September, Björn and Prithvi were in Venice to take part in the International Water Association‘s 3rd Resource Recovery Conference in Venice. Prithvi had an oral presentation where he talked about the pilot testing of the alkaline urine dehydration technology at Pori Brigade in Finland. At the conference, Prithvi also co-chaired the session on urine valorisation and water reuse, as a Young Water Professional. Since we were shortlisted for the IWA Resource Recovery Award, we also had a poster presentation about Sanitation360 AB, the group’s spin-off company implementing urine dehydration technology.

Student field visit to Prof. Håkan Jönsson’s house


Earlier today, Prof. Håkan Jönsson, Pernilla Tidåker, and Prithvi Simha coordinated a student (from the Sustainable Food Systems master’s program at SLU) visit to a garden and a house owned by Håkan, who has designed a local system where most of the plant nutrients from the household are recycled back to the garden and used as fertilizer. For a very long time Håkan has implemented source separation in his own house and uses all source-separated urine and kitchen compost as fertilizer in his garden, where he grows vegetables and berry bushes. During the visit, the students saw how a small-scale source separation systems can look like and discussed options and challenges for future upscaling.

Course: Innovation systems in circular Bioeconomy, Helsinki


Alice Isibika and Prithvi Simha, PhD students at Kretsloppsteknik were in Helsinki 19 -23 Aug. 2019, to take part in the NOVA course, Advanced Course of Innovation Systems in Circular Bioeconomy. The course was organised by Professor Anne Toppinen, University of Helsinki: Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The course, largely taught from the perspective of forest bioeconomy, focused on innovation systems, sustainability transitions, service-dominant logic, innovativeness, innovation culture in business organisations, cross-sectoral collaboration, etc. Students also had a workshop coordinated by the Finland Futures Academy, where they explored potential bioeconomy scenarios and visited Gold&Green Foods, a Helsinki-based startup that produces plant-based foods from clean Nordic oats and beans, Pulled Oats.

Kretsloppsteknik at the 28th SuSanA meeting


Several members of the group were present at the 28th annual meeting of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance in Stockholm, prior to the world water week. On the sidelines of the meeting, we also got to have a great first meeting with Gustavo Heredia, the chairman of the Board of Directors of the AGUATUYA Foundation in Bolivia. Sanitation360, our group’s university start-up that plans to implement the urine dehydration technology is in discussions with AGUATUYA to treat from urine-diverting toilets in El Alto, Bolivia.

Visit from Finnish Water & Wastewater Association


Earlier today, we were happy to welcome a group of 20 delegates from the Finnish Water and Wastewater Association interested in on-site sanitation systems. From the group, Prithvi presented the urine drying technology. During the seminar, there were several presentations from organisations outside the university, e.g. VA-Guiden and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.

Fly larvae composting research presented at Matologi

Vesa Hiltula, Benny Björk, Evgheni Ermolaev and Nils Ewald. Photo: Ingrid Strid.

Evgheni Ermolaev and Nils Ewald from SLU Kretsloppsteknik together with Vesa Hiltula and Benny Björk from Eskilstuna Strängnäs Energi och Miljö AB presented the latest research results and the large-scale implementation progress of the fly lave composting system developed in the group from 2011. Matology is a yearly exhibition held by SLU in Stockholm with focus highlighting the latest trends in sustainable food systems.