Chibambila Simbeye: PhD candidate to continue the group’s work on alkaline dehydration of human urine


Hello! My name is Chibambila Simbeye, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as a new member of the SLU Urine Research Group. I hail from Chingola, a small mining town in the Copperbelt province of Zambia. My background is in civil engineering. I hold both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in this field, with my master’s focusing on water engineering. For my master’s thesis, I explored the recovery of phosphorus from human urine in the form of vivianite. This further fueled my interest and passion for innovative sanitation solutions.

At SLU, my research will focus on developing alkaline urine dehydration technology for decentralized sanitation systems. I am optimistic that the results of my research will be adopted and implemented to improve sanitation practices around the world. If you have an interest in urine treatment or water and sanitation, I would love to exchange ideas with you.

Why do I do what I do? I firmly believe that access to sanitation is a basic human right that remains unfulfilled in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. Urban sprawl has led to the growth of large unplanned settlements where traditional centralized sanitation systems are often unfeasible. I am convinced that decentralized systems, which incorporate source separation, are the key to addressing these challenges sustainably. To achieve this, we need to understand how to manage each waste fraction effectively, with urine being a crucial component.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I am a computing tech enthusiast and an avid fan of competitive sports, especially football and I am always up for a football discussion. I also like to play chess occasionally, so feel free to reach out if you’d like to have a game!

Looking forward to connecting with you all and contributing to the exciting work happening at SLU.

Kale Bwangu! (Direct translation: long ago fast, Meaning: Already done and used a confident salute for mutual understanding)



Christoffer Parrow Melhus: PhD candidate working on precipitation issues in urine collecting sanitation systems


My name is Christoffer and I started working here in September 2023 as a PhD student. The field of research I work in is turning urine from urine diverting toilets into a dehydrated, commercial fertilizer. Urine diverting toilets commonly have problems with precipitation forming, clogging the pipes. The scope of my research is to investigate this process and come up with solutions so that the pipes can easily be kept clean, which would open up for wider implementation of those toilets.

My background is in Environment & Water Engineering, which I studied here in Uppsala, my home town. I have been interested in research my whole life, and wanted to become a PhD student for as long as I knew of the concept. I am very curious and am at my happiest when I get to perform experiments and analyse the results.

Apart from research, my interests are many and varied. I sing and play a lot, both choir music as well as traditional Scandinavian & Celtic folk music. I nourish a passion for nature and love to go hiking. I am also very interested in languages, different cultures and history, and frequently discuss those topics with people from other countries as well as other swedes, preferably over a fika!

Rethinking “Green” Ammonia: a commentary article in BMC Environmental Science


In a recent article published in BMC Environmental Science, Prithvi Simha and Gert van der Merwe argue that the term “green” ammonia is misleading, inaccurate, and overly simplistic.

Both brown ammonia and “green” ammonia are produced using the Haber-Bosch process. While brown ammonia is made using hydrogen extracted from fossil fuels, green ammonia uses hydrogen derived from renewable energy-powered electrolysis of water, thereby “greening” and decarbonizing ammonia synthesis. However, the nitrogen needed for Haber-Bosch ammonia synthesis is extracted from the atmosphere, an energy-intensive process that remains fundamentally linear for both types of ammonia. This anthropogenic nitrogen extraction has nearly doubled global nitrogen fixation, and already pushed the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen beyond its safe planetary boundary.

Decarbonizing the global economy is essential, but focusing solely on reducing carbon emissions is shortsighted. To truly merit a green label, we argue that the fertilizer industry must adopt a planetary boundaries framework that extends beyond the current industry focus on merely offsetting or reducing carbon emissions from fertiliser production. The industry has a significant impact on nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient cycles and thus, has extended producer responsibility for minimising the environmental impacts of its products.

We think that the fertiliser industry should strive for creating products that substantially reduce reactive nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes to ecosystems. One solution here is to engage in the large-scale production of bio-based fertilizers. For instance, recycling humanurine alone could substitute about 25% of the nitrogen and phosphate fertilisers used in agriculture globally. Such recycling could offset the demand for anthropogenic nitrogen fixation via green/brown ammonia synthesis, while aligning food systems more closely with the principles of a truly green and circular economy.

Let’s redefine what it means to be “green” by considering the full environmental impact and embracing genuinely sustainable alternatives.

Read the full article here:

Yulia joins our advanced oxidation project


Helloy! My name is Yulia, I’m coming from Finland, but study in UmeĂĄ University. About a year ago I finished bachelor programme in Life Sciences with specialisation in molecular biology, and now I’m studying master’s programme in chemistry. And though I’m planning to specialise in medicinal chemistry, my interests lay wide. Among them is wastewater treatment, for it’s both very important and also very interesting subject. This led me to Prithvi Simha’s research group. I’m here at SLU for a six-week internship, studying the potential of persulfate activation in urine with Ali Peter Mehaidli. Activation of persulfate will result into formation of sulphate radicals, and those in their turn will be degrading organic compounds in urine. Thus, the potential outcome of this study is to find a method of improving degradation of organic compounds in urine, while preserving nitrogen and phosphorus.

Nathanaël will investigate precipitation and blockages in urine-collecting pipes


Hi! My name is NathanaĂ«l, but everyone calls me Nate, so feel free to do the same. I am currently interning with the Environmental Engineering Research Group at SLU for three months, and I’ll be here until July 26th. I come from Strasbourg, France, where I attend ENGEES (National School of Water and Environmental Engineering, Strasbourg). Our focus is on all aspects of water, from the smallest water cycles to the bigger picture. Next school year will be my final year before I become an engineer. My specialty is water treatment, and I aspire to work in wastewater treatment plants or in a design office that deals with their dimensioning or startup. This interest led me to contact researcher Prithvi Simha, as I found the subject of urine separation particularly fascinating and underexplored at my school. I’m currently working and learning with PhD student Christoffer Parrow Melhus on urine collection pipes. In these pipes, urea breaks down into ammonia and carbon dioxide, leading to precipitation that can cause complete blockages. On a personal note, I enjoy discovering new things and was actively involved in student life at my school, organizing events for my peers. In my spare time, I like to go fishing to recharge my batteries.

Ariane will work with Natnael on degrading pharmaceuticals in urine


Hello everyone! My name is Ariane and I’m from France, where I have been studying water and environmental engineering for 2 years at ENGEES in Strasbourg. I did 2 years of preparatory classes in physics and chemistry to get into this school and since then I have discovered all the issues involved in managing water to protect the environment. I also chose to specialise in water treatment. I am at SLU for a three-month internship in the urine group, where I am taking part in a study looking at how to degrade pharmaceuticals in urine to create a safe fertiliser, which will give me my first experience of research.

Prithvi is now a Research Associate at the Gobabeb Namib Research Institute



Prithvi Simha from our research group has been collaborating actively with partners in Namibia over the past three years. He has now joined the Gobabeb Namib Research Institute as a research associate/adjunct researcher. Gobabeb is a renowned center for dryland training and research located in the Namib Desert, approximately 120 kilometers southeast of Walvis Bay in Namibia. Prithvi in collaboration with Gert van der Merwe from Namibia University of Science and Technology, Eugene Marais from Gobabeb,a dn Christopher Malefors from SLU are running a joint project called “AirCloset” aimed at prototyping and evaluating a solar-thermal and wind-driven urine evaporator. Their goal is to develop a prototype evaporator that can effectively manage and utilize urine, transforming it into a valuable resource. Over the next nine months, they will pilot test the prototype evaporator at the Gobabeb Namib Research Institute. Gobabeb’s extensive weather station network and comprehensive environmental and meteorological data will play a crucial role in this phase. By leveraging these resources, they aim to gather detailed insights and refine the prototype for broader application. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and findings.

Selective degradation of endogenous organic metabolites in acidified fresh human urine using sulphate radical-based advanced oxidation


The metabolome of real human urine is highly complex. Many of the organic compounds in urine significantly influence treatment parameters such as energy demand and product purity when urine is treated in resource-oriented sanitation systems. In a study  published in Water Research, Ali Mehaidli and Prithvi Simha from our research group developed a method using heat-activated peroxydisulphate for the selective degradation of organic compounds in human urine.

Key Findings

  • Optimal Conditions: The best conditions for peroxydisulphate activation in real urine were a dose of 60 mM, a temperature of 90°C, and a reaction time of 1 hour at a pH of 3.0. Under these conditions, over 90% of the peroxydisulphate was activated.
  • Selective Degradation: More than 150 organic metabolites were degraded in real urine, with a significant reduction in chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon, indicating effective degradation of complex organic molecules.
  • Minimal Urea Loss: The process resulted in less than 10% loss of total nitrogen, with most of the urea remaining intact. This is crucial for maintaining the nutrient value of urine for recycling purposes.
  • Chloride Oxidation: The treatment did not oxidise chloride, suggesting minimal risk of forming harmful chlorinated byproducts

Hydrogen peroxide electrosynthesis in real human urine using a single chamber cell


Researchers at Clemson University, the University of Cape Town, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences have developed a new way to recover valuable nutrients from urine. This method, described in the journal Water Research, uses a special electrochemical cell that synthesise hydrogen peroxide in real human urine which stabilizes urea and alkalises urine to recover phosphorus as precipitates. The cell features a magnesium (Mg) anode and a carbon-based gas-diffusion cathode. The effectiveness of the process depends on the current density (the amount of electrical current per unit volume of urine). Lower current densities stabilize urea and facilitate the formation of struvite without significantly increasing the urine pH. Higher current densities produce more H2O2 but can cause the urine pH to rise too much, leading to the formation of less desirable calcium phosphate solids instead of struvite. Overall, the study provides a novel approach to stabilise human urine at source, without the need for physical dosing of chemicals, making nutrient recovery from urine more practical and safer. For more detailed information, the full study is accessible at:

Arve, P. H., Mason, M., Randall, D. G., Simha, P., & Popat, S. C. (2024). Concomitant urea stabilization and phosphorus recovery from source-separated fresh urine in magnesium anode-based peroxide-producing electrochemical cells. Water Research, 256, 121638.


New Installation Up & Running at SLU’s urine-separating toilet


Exciting news! At the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), where all three of Sanitation360’s founders have studied and now work, a new bathroom installation has been in the works. And as of last week, after an incredibly impressive effort by Jenna, version 2.0 is finally ready to be used on the 5th floor at the Department of Energy and Technology at SLU in Uppsala, Sweden.

The bathroom contains one of Laufen’s urine-diverting toilets, which we’ve connected to our urine concentrator – and now we’ve also added our own addition to the flush system. Usually, both urine and 220 ml of flushwater end up being diverted into the urine collection tank, per flush. Whilst this is no issue in terms of purity, it is an issue in terms of energy usage later on in the urine to fertilizer process.

Urine consists of about 95% water, which contains no nutrients. Therefore, our urine concentrator is designed to effectively remove/evaporate the water, leaving us with the nutritious 4% of the urine. This is already a large amount of water to remove and with additional flushwater in the system, it rapidly increases the energy requirements. To make it more sustainable, we want to reduce, and favourably completely stop, any flushwater from entering the urine collection tank and instead divert it to the wastewater pipe. This is exactly what our new installation now does – thanks to Jenna and David Fredriksson at Davitor AB.

There is now a sensor that detects incoming flushwater and triggers the valve to the urine collection tank to close. The system also has a reactor with a level sensor to enable automatic pumping of urine into to the concentrator, where the urine is dried.

So if you ever happen to be in Uppsala, make sure to give it a visit and let us know what you think of it!

The white container on the right side is our concentrator which the urine is first diverted into and then dried into a nutrient rich mass. Attached to the wall behind it is our newly installed system which detects when someone is flushing and closes the valve to the urine collection tank. The program showcased on the computer shows how the different valves and sensors are working together to achieve this. Lastly, you can see Laufen’s beautiful urine-diverting ”Save!” toilet which we are big fans of!