SLU has its own urine-diverting flush toilet!


Today was quite an exciting day at Kretsloppsteknik for the urine drying project as we received our shipment of a prototype of the pioneering urine-diverting toilet developed by EOOS, Eawag and LAUFEN. In the coming month, our group along with SLU and Akademiska Hus will install the toilet at the Department of Energy and Technology. We then plan to connect this toilet to a prototype of the urine dehydration technology being developed by us. The toilet along with our technology has the potential to disrupt the status quo in sanitation and revolutionise the sector! This installation is being supported by funding from the SLU Climate Fund.

Anastasija Vasiljev interning with the urine drying project


My name is Anastasija Vasiljev. I am a Serbian girl finishing my environmental engineering bachelor’s at South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences in Finland. I only have an internship and a thesis left to complete, before I am fully done with my program. At SLU, I will be working as a part of the urine drying research team. My responsibilities are to aid in figuring out how to minimize the nitrogen losses during urine drying process, performing experiments to determine the most efficient media for nitrogen capture. I will stay and be a part of the team until the end of January next year!

Chea Eliyan joins Kretsloppsteknik as a PhD student


I am Chea Eliyan, and I recently joined the Environmental Engineering Research Group of the Department of Energy and Technology, SLU, in a sandwich mode Ph.D. program. As part of this program, I will spend half the time here at SLU and another 50% time at my home country, Cambodia at the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). The SIDA-RUPP bilateral program fully supports this study as well as RUPP’s research capacity development.

Tristan Martin, PhD Student from INRA at Kretsloppsteknik


My name is Tristan Martin and I’m a PhD student from France. I’m working at the French National institute for agricultural research on the agronomic valorization of urine in France and the associated environmental impacts of this valorization. My work in France consists mainly in doing agronomical experiments with different urine based fertilizers to compare their agronomical efficiencies (yields, NH3 volatilization, N2O emissions …). I will be there in Uppsala for 3 month to work on the second part of my PhD which aims to evaluate the impacts of the whole valorization chains (treatment, transport …) using life cycle assessment methodology.

Xiaoqin Zhou on research exchange at SLU from USTB


Dr. Xiaoqin Zhou, Assistant Professor of University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) is on a three week research exchange at Kretsloppsteknik. Yesterday, at a lunch seminar organised by the group, Xiaoqin presented about USTB and her own research activities. Specifically, she talked baout “toilet revolution” in rural China and how the country is currently in the process of upgrading its rural sanitation infrastructure. The “toilet revolution” campaign was launched by the Chinese central government since 2015 to improve the sanitary conditions in Mainland China. Thereafter, several campaigns have been launced in recent years such as“ National Tourism Reinvent Toilet Campaign” and “new toilet for rural toilet system Campaign” led by China National Tourism Administration (CNTA ), now called as Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Social aspects of recycling household wastes: perspectives from Jordan


We were at the Hashemite University in Jordan last week, teaching a group of young students how we can safely recycle different household waste fractions. As part of this week-long course, we organised a day of interactive seminars and a role playing game to improve awareness among the students about the psychology, decision making, and socio-technical aspects of recycling waste.

Teaching students in Jordan about safe nutrient recycling


This week, we (Sahar Dalahmeh, Mikael Pell, Annika Nordin, Cecilia Lalander, and Prithvi Simha) are in Jordan, conducting a 1-week course on recycling of various household waste fractions. The course is given at the Hashemite University, located about 50 km away from the capital city Amman. A group of about 20 very enthusiastic and inquistive students are learning about various topics such as wastewater microbiology, hygienisation, urine diversion and dehydration, vermi- and black soldier fly composting, on-site wastweater treatment, etc.

Chinmoy Deb joins the Urine Drying Project


Our former intern, Chinmoy Deb from India, who came to SLU last year for his Bachelor’s thesis on Urine Drying, has successfully received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering. Currently, Chinmoy has started his Master’s program in “Soil, Water and Environment” at SLU and has been recruited as a member of our group. During his bachelors’ program, back in India, he had worked with urine for nutrient and pharmaceutical removal. With a keen to connect the nexus of sanitation, hygiene and agriculture, he has joined the group to continue his research on the recovery of plant essential nutrients by means of urine drying technology.

Kretsloppsteknik at the 3rd IWA Resource Recovery Conference


Between 8th and 12th September, Björn and Prithvi were in Venice to take part in the International Water Association‘s 3rd Resource Recovery Conference in Venice. Prithvi had an oral presentation where he talked about the pilot testing of the alkaline urine dehydration technology at Pori Brigade in Finland. At the conference, Prithvi also co-chaired the session on urine valorisation and water reuse, as a Young Water Professional. Since we were shortlisted for the IWA Resource Recovery Award, we also had a poster presentation about Sanitation360 AB, the group’s spin-off company implementing urine dehydration technology.

Student field visit to Prof. HĂĄkan Jönsson’s house


Earlier today, Prof. HĂĄkan Jönsson, Pernilla TidĂĄker, and Prithvi Simha coordinated a student (from the Sustainable Food Systems master’s program at SLU) visit to a garden and a house owned by HĂĄkan, who has designed a local system where most of the plant nutrients from the household are recycled back to the garden and used as fertilizer. For a very long time HĂĄkan has implemented source separation in his own house and uses all source-separated urine and kitchen compost as fertilizer in his garden, where he grows vegetables and berry bushes. During the visit, the students saw how a small-scale source separation systems can look like and discussed options and challenges for future upscaling.