Kretsloppsteknik nÀrvarade vid MÀnniskans Natur som arrangeras av Axfoundation


Årets evenemang hade temat under ytan, och tog upp ett brett spektrum av intressanta Ă€mnen, frĂ„n djuphavsforskning till psykologin kring hur vi ser pĂ„ och hanterar klimathotet. VĂ„rt inspel syntes pĂ„ menyn, dĂ„ Axfoundation bjöd pĂ„ sin vision av framtidens mat. Det bjöds pĂ„ kĂ„lrot och pumpa, gödslad med frass (insektskompost) frĂ„n vĂ„ra fluglarver som utfodrats med livsmedelsavfall och till det serverades det bĂ„de kyckling och regnbĂ„gslax som har fĂ„tt insekter som sin huvudsakliga proteinkĂ€lla. Larverna som anvĂ€ndes var uppfödda pĂ„ Ă„tertaget bröd och grönsaksavfall frĂ„n Sorunda grönskshallar.

Kretsloppsteknik at the Human Nature arranged by Axfoundation


This year’s event had the theme below the surface, and brought up a wide range of interesting topics; from deep-sea research to the psychology of how we look at and manage the threat of climate change.  At dinner Axfoundation presented their vision of future food and that’s where we came into the picture. On the menu were cabbage and pumpkin fertilized with frass (insect compost) from our fly larvae reared on food waste, served with chicken and rainbow trout that had insects as their main protein source. The larvae used in the feed were reared on reclaimed bread and vegetable waste from Sorunda grönsakshallar.

Forskning kring urinsortering i finsk media


I samband med MORTTI-projektet testas vÄr grupps urinsorteringsteknologi i fÀlt vid Björneborgs Brigads militÀrtrÀningsbas i Finland. Tidigare under veckan deltog vÄra gruppmedlemmar Caroline Karlsson och Prithvi Simha tillsammans med MORTTIs partners i ett organiserat mediaevent med flera lokala och nationella mediakanaler. Klicka pÄ lÀnkarna nedan för att ta del av vad media tyckte om besöket och vÄrt toalettsystem.

YLE: PĂ„ TV The soldier’s piss improves the world – dry urine is a good fertilizer & i tryck:

Maaseudun Tulevaisuus: The Defense Forces are trying to recover urine as fertilizer – In the Pori Brigade exercise area there is a Biomaja field toilet

Helsingin Sanomat: In SÀkylÀ, the nutrients of the urine are preserved, with the aim of making urine fertilizer

Satakunnan Kansa: Converting soldiers’ urine into dry fertilizer powder – a Swedish invention that can come into play at festivals in the future

Verkkouutiset: The recycling of the officers’ urine is being tested

LÀnsi-Suomi: Army is testing a pilot toilet in SÀkylÀ

KontaktPrithvi Simha

FrÄn soldaturin till torr gödsel: Björneborgs Brigad, finska försvarsmakten


Den 8 april arrangerade MORTTI-projektets partners en mediadag för att uppmÀrksamma vÄrt projekt i Finland som har varit igÄng sedan första veckan av mars. Pilotprojektet, som pÄgÄr i tre mÄnader, stabiliserar och torkar urin frÄn soldater och skapar samtidigt under sÀkra förhÄllanden en torr gödsel i pulverform. Projektet testar urinsorteringsteknologin utvecklad av vÄr forskargrupp i fÀlt. Caroline Karlsson och Prithvi Simha representerade Kretsloppsteknik pÄ mediadagen. 

Urine drying research featured in Finnish media


Within the MORTTI project, our group’s urine drying technology is being piloted at Pori Brigade’s military training site in Finland. Earlier this week, as part of an organised media day event, members of our group Caroline Karlsson and Prithvi Simha alongwith MORTTI project partners interacted with several local and national media outlets. Click below to read what the media thought of this visit and our toilet system.

YLE: On TV The soldier’s piss improves the world – dry urine is a good fertilizer & In Print

Maaseudun Tulevaisuus: The Defense Forces are trying to recover urine as fertilizer – In the Pori Brigade exercise area there is a Biomaja field toilet

Helsingin Sanomat: In SÀkylÀ, the nutrients of the urine are preserved, with the aim of making urine fertilizer

Satakunnan Kansa: Converting soldiers’ urine into dry fertilizer powder – a Swedish invention that can come into play at festivals in the future

Verkkouutiset: The recycling of the officers’ urine is being tested

LÀnsi-Suomi: Army is testing a pilot toilet in SÀkylÀ

ContactPrithvi Simha

Recycling urine from soldiers as dry fertiliser: Pori Brigade, Finnish Defence Forces


On the 8th of April, the MORTTI project partners organised a media day for our project in Finland that has been operational since the first week of March. This 3-month pilot stabilises and dries human urine collected from soldiers, to be safely recycled as a dry powder fertiliser. The project pilots the urine drying technology developed by our research group at SLU. Representing Kretsloppsteknik at this event were Caroline Karlsson and Prithvi Simha.

Besök frÄn vÄra kÀra grannar


Den 12 mars fick vi besök av vÄra norska kollegor frÄn Norsk institutt for bioÞkonomi (NIBIO). PÄ besöket kom Trond MÊhlum, Bente FÞreid, Thorsten Heidorn och Anders Enoksen. FrÄn vÄr grupp deltog Björn VinnerÄs, Jennifer McConville och Cecilia Lalander. Vi presenterade om vÄra pÄgÄende projekt inom sÀker Äterföring av vÀxtnÀring. Björn presenterade om urintorkningen, Cecilia om fluglarvskompostering, medan Jennifer presenterade om sitt arbete om den svenska avloppssektorns beredskap för en övergÄng till nya tekniker. Vi uppdaterades pÄ ett av NIBIO:s pÄgÄende projekt om hÄllbar och cirkulÀra urbana odlingssystem som Àr ett samarbetsprojekt mellan intressenter i Europa och Kina (Sino-European innovative green and smart cities). Det gladde oss att fÄ veta att delegationen frÄn Norge kommit till oss för inspiration av möjliga tekniska lösningar. Vi hoppas att vi i framtiden ska samarbeta inom nÄgra av dessa spÀnnande tekniker.

Kontakt: Cecilia Lalander

Visit from our dear neighbours


On the 12th of March we had a visit from our colleagues at the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO). On the visit came Trond MÊhlum, Bente FÞreid, Thorsten Heidorn and Anders Enoksen. From our group Björn VinnerÄs, Jennifer McConville and Cecilia Lalander joined. We presented about our different ongoing projects on safe nutrient recycling: Björn presented on urine drying and Cecilia on fly larvae composting while Jennifer presented her work on the readiness of the Swedish wastewater sector for a technology transition. We were updated on an ongoing project on sustainable and circular urban farming systems that is a collaboration between stakeholders in Europe and China (Sino-European innovative green and smart cities). We were happy to know that the delegation from Norway come to visit us for inspiration on possible technologies. We hope that we in the future will be able to collaborate on some of these exciting technologies.

Contact: Cecilia Lalander

Master’s thesis project: identifying logistics for new sanitation systems products


Proposed Title: Identifying effective transport systems and logistics for new sanitation systems that produce fertilisers from human wastes.

Credits: 30 credits; Level: Advanced
Subject: Technology or Environmental Science
Start: As soon as possible

Background: In the sanitation sector, there is growing recognition that we urgently need to change the way we handle, treat, and recycle human wastes in our environment. At the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), the environmental engineering research group has developed the ‘urine dehydrator’, an exciting new technology that converts liquid human urine into a hygienic, commercial-quality, dry fertiliser. The technology involves two steps, (a) using a urine-diverting toilet at home, to separately collect urine without the faeces; and (b) drying the urine within an alkaline substrate that placed is placed in the urine dehydrator.

Student project: Simulation model to support sanitation planning game – nutrient recovery


We are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic student to assist in developing a computer model that simulates the impacts of different technology choices for management of wastewater flows. The model will be incorporated into a serious game that we are developing to guide sanitation planners and decision-makers. The game is a multi-stakeholder, spatial planning game for municipal sanitation which focuses on resource recovery. It will allow for a visual representation of what technologies can be used and what resources can be recovered from sanitation facilities.