Sveriges Television SVT besökte uringrupp igÄr och intervjuade Prithvi om urintorkning och vÄrt planerade projekt i Gottland i Är!
Prithvi was interviewed by SVT!
Swedish National Television SVT visited urine group yesterday and interviewed Prithvi about urine drying and our planned project in Gottland this year!
If you want to know more, check out the full interview below:
Omogen, men med stor potential â LĂ€s vĂ„r review-artikel om BSF larver frass som organiskt gödningsmedel
LÀgligt med EU:s beslut att anta en förordning som reglerar produktion och anvÀndning av insektsfrass pÄ EU-marknaden ((EU) 2021/1925) har vi publicerat en review-artikel  i Journal of Waste Management om kunskapslÀget för anvÀndning fluglarvsfrass som organiskt gödningsmedel. Vi har beskrivit fördelarna med att anvÀnda fluglarvsfrass som organiskt gödningsmedel som har stöd i vetenskapliga studier, diskuterat ytterligare möjliga fördelar som Ànnu inte har pÄvisats, pekat pÄ nÄgra av de utmaningar som kan mötas vid anvÀndning av detta gödningsmedel samt kartlagt kunskapsluckorna som för nÀrvarande finns. Vill du veta mer, lÀs hÀr.
Immature, but with great potential â Read our review on BSF larvae frass as an organic fertilizer
Timely with the decision from the EU to adopt a regulation that governs the production and use of insect frass on the EU market ((EU) 2021/1925) we have compiled a review article published in the Journal of Waste Management on state of knowledge of using BSF larvae frass as an organic fertiliser. We have outlined the advantages of using BSF larvae frass as organic fertiliser that has been found so far, discussed possible additional benefits that have not yet been demonstrated, pointed to some of the challenges that could be faced using this fertiliser as well as elucidated the gaps in knowledge that currently exist. If you want to find out more, read here.
Eksempler pÄ sirkulÊre avlÞpssystemer i Europa og Norge
Seminarium pÄ Norsk Vannförening i Oslo kring cirkulÀra lösningar i Norge. Björn deltog och presenterade sin vision för framtida avloppslösningar som Àr helt cirkulÀra i huset. Visionen Àr lÄngt ifrÄn diskussionerna om hur vi skall behandla vÄrt avlopp idag, dock finns de flesta delar för detta system redan idag, det stora steget Àr att faktiskt vÄga foga samman alla delar. PÄ seminariet deltog personer frÄn akademin och frÄn industrin. Alla var eniga om att kÀllsorterande system Àr system för framtiden. Norge stÄr inför stora investeringar inom VA-sektorn för att minska miljöpÄverkan frÄn avloppsutslÀppen. Hemse Kjerstadius frÄn NSVA presenterade i Helsingborg och visade att man kan bygga sorterande avloppssystem Àven i centrala staden och motivera det med ekonomi och miljöfaktorer. Det var Àven flera presentationer frÄn Norska deltagare som visade att det i vissa centraliserade sammanhang kan vara vÀl vÀrt att bygga sorterande avloppssystem med en kombination av centraliserad och decentraliserad behandling beroende pÄ vilken fraktion det handlade om. Det som mÄnga lyfte fram under seminariet, och som gÀller Àven i Sverige sÄ finns det mÄnga oklarheter kring regler och lagar kopplade till sanitet som inte Àr centraliserad.
Alkalisk urintorkning, dess function och system
Examples of circular sanitation solutions in Europe and Norway
A seminar was held at the Norwegian water association in Oslo focusing on circular sanitation solutions in Norway. Björn participated and presented his vision for of the sanitation system of the future – being off-grid and fully circular inside a house. The vision is far ahead of the discussions about how we should treat our wastewater today. Most systems needed for a fully circular sanitation system already exist today, though they are still yet to be combined.
At the moment, Norway is facing major investments in the water and wastewater sector with a goal to bring down the environmental pollution. Hamse Kjerstadius from NSVA in presented their system with source separation installed in the city center of Helsingborg. His motivation for this implementation was economy and the environment. There were also several presentations from Norwegian delegates showing that under some specific circumstances source separating systems are economically more feasible when combining local and central treatments. One important factor lifted at the seminar, and that is true for Sweden as well, is that many of the regulations and legislations are unclear when it comes to sanitation that is not based on current conventional system.
The seminar was attended by people from academia, industry, and municipalities, where all were united in the vision of source separating system as the wastewater technology of the future.
Alkaline urine dehydration, function and system.
Prithvi and Bjorn write a feature article on urine recycling for IWA’s magazine – The Source
Decentralised sanitation systems based on source separation and urine recycling can contribute much to the existing wastewater regime. Prithvi Simha and Bjorn VinnerÄs show how innovative technologies such as urine drying can improve the circularity of sanitation systems. Read the full article here:
China should focus beyond access to toilets to tap into the full potential of its Rural Toilet Revolution
Check out our latest article, a collaboration with the Zifu Li group at USTB Beijing that was published in the journal Resources, Conservation and Recycling:
Zhou, X., Simha, P., Perez-Mercado, L. F., Barton, M. A., Lyu, Y., Guo, S., … & Li, Z. (2022). China should focus beyond access to toilets to tap into the full potential of its Rural Toilet Revolution. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 178, 106100.
Abstract: In China, over 47 million toilets in rural areas have been upgraded since the nationwide sanitation program, popularly referred to as the âtoilet revolutionâ, was launched in 2015. However, little is known about the perceptions of rural households regarding these new toilets or the fate of human excreta collected using them. To investigate the other side of the toilet revolution, we surveyed 980 rural households from 22 provinces across China in 2020. We found that most households used an on-site sanitation system (i.e. septic tanks and pit latrines), where urine and feces were mixed and collected (88%), stored in pits or tanks (79%), emptied by the households themselves (60%), applied on farmland as fertilizer (45%), or used for biogas production (5%). Despite the toilet revolution-driven infrastructure upgrade, only 25% of the households were satisfied with their sanitation system and pointed to health risks from issues in the toilet interface and the treatment and reuse of excreta as areas of concern. The majority preferred an âout of sight, out of mindâ approach, in which the local government handles excreta without involving the households and without asking them to pay for such management. Meanwhile, 80% supported the idea of local nutrient recycling and believed that human excreta should return to farmland as fertilizer or used for biogas production. Our findings suggest that decision makers in local governments across China must urgently explore ways to upgrade all parts of the sanitation service chain so that rural sanitation can be truly improved to positively influence the progress on other national sustainability goals.
N2Brew Project and Urine Drying featured in Nature!

Förbehandling av grönsaks-, och fruktavfall innan fluglarvsbehandling förbÀttrar inte behandlingseffektiviteten, men förenklar processen
I vÄr senaste publikation om fluglarvskompostering med larven av den amerikanska vapenflugan (Hermetia illucens) undersökte vi effekten av förbehandling pÄ processeffektivitet och vÀxthusgasutslÀpp. Vi utvÀrderade fluglarvskompostering av broccoli- och blomkÄlsavskÀr och apelsinskal med och utan förbehandling och jÀmförde resultaten med matavfall som anvÀndes som kontroll. De förbehandlingar vi undersökte var en tvÄ veckors inokulering med svampen Trichoderma reesei eller ammoniaklösning. Hypotesen var att svamparna skulle bryta ner cellulosa och hemicellulosa till lÀttillgÀngliga kolhydrater, medan tanken med ammoniakförbehandlingen var att den bÄde skulle bryta cellstrukturen samt tillföra kvÀve till mikrobiotan som skulle kunna assimilera kvÀvet till protein.