SLU’s Urine Drying in Deutsche Welle (DW)


Beatrice Christofaro captures the argument quite well as to why source-separated fractions like #urine should be recycled in this #DeutscheWelle (DW) article.

The way we manage nutrients in our wastewater and produce food globally is not sustainable. Countries are vulnerable changes in supply of fertilizers, as they’re produced using non-renewable feedstock such as natural gas, coal, and phosphate rock. Majority of the fertilisers used globally are also produced by a handful of countries. So its not a big suprise to us that fertiliser prices have soared recently and food price inflation has increased.
But we can make food production more resilient. Read the article and see how the #SLU and #Sanitation360 solution could increase local food security.

Read Full Article here:

2022 Barley season has begun!


Jenna Senecal joined Bo and Freda from HushĂ„llnings sĂ€llskapet in seeding the barley. We have four treatments: no fertilizer, mineral fertilizer, Uppsala Fertilizer and Gotland Fertilizer (that last two are urine based and have been stabilized with different types of media). It is very exciting to have reached this stage where the urine fertilizer is being applied with conventional farming equipment.  Keep posted for the performance – last year’s harvest went great!

Photo by Jenna Senecal

Oliver Pay joins the Urine Drying Project


My name is Oliver Pay. I am originally from the UK, but I now live in Finland and study environmental engineering at Tampere University of Applied Sciences, where I have just finished my second year. At SLU, I will be part of the urine drying research team. My responsibilities at SLU are to research efficiencies of urine drying systems, and to determine how long a system can be used before there needs to be chemical replacement. I will be here until the end of July this year.


Cecilia deltog i TABLES-seminarium om Hur fett ska pressas in i en hÄllbar matframtid (pÄ engelska)


Den 13 april hölls ett seminarium om Hur fett ska pressas in i en hÄllbar matframtid (pÄ engelska) organiserad av TABLE och SLU Future Food. Cecilia presenterade om anvÀndningen av insekter för produktion av fett. Det visade sig att hennes insekter Àr rÀtt bra pÄ att producera fett. Kan de kanske anvÀndas för att minska fettklyftan? Fettklyftan Àr klyftan mellan hur fett som behövs för att sÀkerstÀlla mÀnsklighetens nÀringsbehov och hur mycket som faktiskt produceras. Om du vill vetta mera om detta, lyssna pÄ seminariet.

Cecilia joined TABLES seminar on How to squeeze fat into a sustainable food future


On the 13th of April a seminar on How to squeeze fat into a sustainable food future was organised by TABLE and SLU Future Food. Cecilia presented on using insects for fat production. Turns out her insects actually are quite good at synthesising fat; could they play a role in closing the fat gap? The fat gap is the gap between the total amount of fat needed for humanities nutritional needs and how much that is actually being produced. If you want to find out more about this, have a listen to the seminar.



Jenna joins the Swedish Tech Delegation to South Africa


Jenna Senecal joined the Swedish Tech Delegation to Cape Town, South Africa during the end of April 2022. This was part of Cape Town / Stockholm Connect, which is an internationalization project and co-creation platform where the goal is to strengthen tech and investor ties between Sweden and South Africa. During the week, Jenna met with other Swedish companies looking at establishing in South Africa and several South African startups looking at their growth potential.

A highlight for Jenna was meeting Birger Lundgren and MichĂšle Spooner who are working hard to bring affordable and sustainable sanitation to schools (as a start!).

Photo by Birger Lundgren

New publication digs deep into dissolution behaviour of Magnesium Hydroxide in Human Urine


Here’s a new paper we published in Frontiers in Environmental Science:

In the study, we systematically analysed the kinetics and thermodynamics of how magnesium hydroxide dissolves in different types of human urine (fresh urine and fresh urine concentrated by evaporation). We showed that Mg hydroxide has a unique dissolution behaviour which is unlike that of other alkaline earth hydroxides, especially when water is removed from urine. We detail conditions and design criteria for alkalising and for dehydrating urine, which is useful when developing source-separating sanitation systems.

A cool aspect of the study was that we found a smart way to simulate the kinetics of how fast Mg hydroxide dissolves, how fast various precipitates form (e.g. struvite, apatite), and how fast urine is alkalised and saturated. We did this by matching the experimentally measured pH of urine with its thermodynamically simulated pH. This approach could be applied to any system as long as the parameter we measure is something we can also simulate thermodynamically.