It has been a pleasure to host the kick-off meeting of the FoodsecURe project over the past two days at SLU – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. During the next four years, our project will evaluate how safely hashtag recycling hashtag humanurine can improve urban sanitation as well as livelihoods of small holder farmers in Bahir Dar, hashtag Ethiopia, where urine-separating toilets already exist today.
With alkaline urine dehydration as the focal technology, we will examine how hashtag technological, hashtag health and hashtag safety, hashtag sociocultural, hashtag economic, hashtag institutional barriers to recycling urine in Bahir Dar can be overcome, and how new sanitation value chains can be developed and sustained over time. This is likely going to be a complex and tough undertaking, but our hashtag multidisciplinary team of experts are keen to take on this challenge together.
We are grateful to The Research Council of Norway for funding FoodsecURe.
With Divina Gracia P. Rodriguez, Lucy Robertson, Rem Confesor, Christoffer Parrow Melhus, Bjorn Vinneras, Ermias Tesfaye, Bente Foereid, Karsten Gjefle, Jorunn Tønnesen, Dagnachew Aklog, Eshetu Assefa, Tesfaye Feyisa, Oksana Golovko, Chikeluba Umeh, Maurine Okolie, Maximilian Tyka, and Lutz Ahrens, from NIBIO Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, NMBU – Norwegian University of Life Sciences, SLU – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sanitation360 AB, Det Kongelige Selskap for Norges Vel, Bahir Dar University, and Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI).