SLU to have its own urine-diverting toilet!

Following a successfull application to the SLU Climate Fund, we plan to replace a conventional toilet at SLU’s MVM building with a urine-diverting flush toilet during the spring. Urine-diverting toilets handle urine and faeces separately – the toilet leads the urine to a separate collection system while faeces are flushed with water, just like a conventional toilet. The proposed installation will highlight 20+ years of Swedish research on the topic, act as an educational/research platform, and practically support building a climate-smart SLU campus.

The toilet will be designed by EOOS GmbH and there are plans make use of the group’s dehydration technology that converts urine into a dry, hygienic, nutrient-rich powder. The project also links our ongoing urine research with SLU Holding (commercialisation), Sweden Water Research (plans to install urine-diverting toilets in Skåne), and Ultuna Täppförening (for applying dried urine-based fertiliser in community gardens in Uppsala). 

Contact: Björn Vinnerås

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