Bryts lÀkemedelsrester i avloppsslam ned under lagring?


Hur mycket lÀkemedelsrester bryts ned i slam under lagring undersöks i projektet Reduktion av lÀkemedel och andra organiska miljöföroreningar under lagring/efterbehandling av avloppsslam. Ett storskaligt lagringsförsök med ca 430 ton slam fördelade pÄ 6 olika varianter pÄ slamlagring startade under tisdagen och onsdagen 29-30/5 pÄ HovgÄrdens avfallsanlÀggning i Uppsala samarbete mellan Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet SLU, Svenska Miljöinstitutet IVL och Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB.

 Different conditions for sludge storage: thermophilic compacted sludge for open storage (left), mesophilic compacted sludge for open storage (middle)and mesophilic compacted sludge for covered storage (right). PC: Sahar Dalahmeh

Improving wastewater treatment plants for increased nutrient recovery


Dr. David Gustavsson, Research Leader at Sweden Water Research loves centralized wastewater treatment plants! He starts his presentation saying…“I really love these plants”. At a symposium filled with people discussing the possibility of taking sanitation off the grid, that’s quite a statement to make. Jokingly, he further comments, “....should I leave now?”. How good are centralized WWTPs in removing unwanted substances? In nutrient removal and recovery? Is there a case to be made for the co-existence or indeed, the integration of urine diversion with the operation of such plants? How will WWTP operations be affected with increased urine diversion at source?

Click here to access Dr. Gustavsson’s presentation to find out more and let us know what you think!