New publication on Co-composting of banana peel and orange peel waste with fish waste to improve conversion by black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens (L.), Diptera: Stratiomyidae) larvae


This study aimed to enhance the biodegradable solid waste management of low-quality food and agro-industrial waste streams, in terms of BSFL process performance efficiencies by means of co-composting. A fibre-rich, hard to degrade waste stream such as fruit peels by BSFL, was co-composted with a low-quality protein-rich waste stream (fish waste). Results show that co-composting has the ability to increase the BSFL composting efficiencies from nutrient-imbalanced substrates such those used in this study. Protein content increased as more fish waste was added into the substrate mixtures. Biomass conversion rate was generally increased by the addition of fish waste in the substrate mixtures and the highest conversion and BSFL weight achieved was 25 % and 269 mg larva-1, respectively, with 75 % fish waste (12 % protein addition) inclusion. However, BSFL treatment efficiency parameters showed wide variation with inclusion of 75 % fish waste in the substrate, possibly owing to differences in nutritional composition (especially fat content) of different fish waste batches. Lower variations in process efficiency renders higher reliability of the treatment process. Therefore, 25 % inclusion of fish waste (4 % protein addition) was concluded to be beneficial and sufficient enough to improve the overall BSFL process efficiency.

To read more, press here.

Isibika A., VinnerĂ„s B., Kibazohi O., ZurbrĂŒgg C. & Lalander C. (2021) Co-composting of banana peel and orange peel waste with fish waste to improve conversion by black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens (L.), Diptera: Stratiomyidae) larvae. Journal of Cleaner Production 318, 128570

Bedömning av nÀringsflödenas cirkularitet i Okanagan Bioregion, BC Kanada


Begreppet ”cirkulĂ€r biobaserad ekonomi” har blivit en viktig pelare i en ny generation politik som förvĂ€ntas lösa den nuvarande hĂ„llbarhetskrisen. Att gĂ„ mot en cirkulĂ€r biobaserad ekonomi Ă€r avgörande beroende pĂ„ biologiska och tekniska processer som kan Ă„terföra vĂ€xtnĂ€ring – frĂ„n anvĂ€nda biobaserade produkter till produktion av mat, foder, fibrer, brĂ€nsle mm.

NÀringsflödesanalyser kan hjÀlpa till att identifiera drivkrafter till ohÄllbara system och möjligheter att gÄ mot mer hÄllbara system. Som en del av ett bredare projekt för livsmedelssystem i Okanagan Bioregion, BC Canada, analyserade vi flödena av kvÀve, fosfor, kalium och magnesium för att hjÀlpa intressenter i regionen att bÀttre förstÄ nuvarande nivÄer av nÀringscirkularitet och hur den kan förbÀttras.

Assessing the Circularity of Nutrient Flows in the Okanagan Bioregion, BC Canada


The concept of “circular biobased economy” has become an important pillar of a new generation of policies that are expected to solve the current sustainability crisis. Moving towards a circular biobased economy crucially depends on biological and technical processes capable of recirculating plant nutrients – from used biobased products back to the production of food, feed, fibre, fuel, and so forth.

Nutrient flow analyses can help identify drivers of unsustainable patterns and opportunities for moving towards more sustainable patterns. As part of a broader food system design project in the Okanagan Bioregion, BC Canada, we analysed the flows of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium to help stakeholders in the bioregion better understand current levels of nutrient circularity and how it could be improved.

Till minne av Chris Buckley, en kÀr kollega och vÀn


Chris Buckley var en kĂ€r kollega, mentor och vĂ€n. Han gick bort den 27 maj 2021 efter en hĂ„rd och modig kamp mot cancer. Han Ă€r vĂ€ldigt saknad. Jag minns den första dagen jag trĂ€ffade Chris mycket vĂ€l – det var pĂ„ World Water Week i Stockholm 2013. Han hade aldrig hört talas om mig nĂ€r jag presenterade mig som en ung forskare frĂ„n Björn VinnerĂ„s Lab pĂ„ SLU, men det spelade ingen roll . Chris tog mig direkt in i sitt professionella sociala nĂ€tverk och började ansluta mig till alla som han trodde att jag behövde trĂ€ffa. Under Ă„ren fortsatte Chris att fungera som en katalysator för att skapa nya kontakter och möjligheter för mig. Samtidigt som han gav influenser för mitt arbete med urintorkning. Jag Ă€r sĂ„ tacksam för att ha honom i mitt liv och för all visdom han delade. Chris var en underbar förebild för hur man Ă€r vĂ€lkomnande och hĂ„rt arbetande samtidigt som han visste nĂ€r han skulle ta paus. För mig kommer hans arv att leva vidare genom de projekt som jag deltar i tack vare honom. SkĂ„l Chris – saknar dig.

Skrivet av Jenna Senecal

In remembrance of Chris Buckley, a dear colleague and friend


Chris Buckley was a dear colleague, mentor and friend. He passed away peacefully on the 27th May 2021 after a hard and brave fight against cancer. He is sorely missed. I remember the first day I met Chris very well – it was at World Water Week in Stockholm 2013. He’d never heard of me when I introduced myself as a young researcher from the Björn VinnerĂ„s Lab at SLU, but that didn’t matter. Chris directly brought me into his professional social network and started connecting me with all who he thought I needed to meet. Over the years Chris continued to act as a catalyst in creating connections and opportunities for me. While at the same time influencing my work on urine-drying. I am so thankful for having him in my life and for all the wisdom he so graciously shared. Chris was a wonderful role model of how to be welcoming and hardworking while also knowing when to take break. For me, his legacy will live on through the projects that I am participating in thanks to him. Cheers Chris – missing you.

Written by Jenna Senecal

Update from the field trials on Gotland!


Day 49 in our Barley Field Trials – No visible difference between the urine fertilizer (right) and the mineral fertilizer (+control; left). While the barley that did not receive fertilizer (-control, middle) is shorter and a paler green.

The IVA 100 list


We are so happy that on the IVA list, our group is one among the 100 projects with our urine-based fertiliser!

Read more here!

IVA 100 listan


Vi Àr sÄ glada över att pÄ IVA listan, topp 100, platsade vÄr grupp med urinbaserad gödsel!

LÀs mer hÀr!