Check out our latest publication in Waste Management Process efficiency in relation to enzyme pre-treatment duration in black soldier fly larvae composting. We investigated the impact of enzyme pre-treatment time duration on the efficiency, in terms of biomass conversion efficiency and material reduction, in black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) composting of lettuce and cabbage (vegetable cuttings from Grönsakshallen Sorunda). We found that direct addition of enzyme (i.e. no pre-treatment time, but adding the enzymes as the same time as the larvae) was the only treatment that significantly improved process efficiency.
Author: Prithvi Simha
KarriÀrbidrag till forskare vid institutionen för energi och teknik
Docent Jennifer McConville vid institutionen för energi och tenik Àr en av fem forskare som av SLU:s rektor tilldelats tre miljoner kronor i ett sÄ kallat karriÀrbidrag.
SLU delar vartannat Är ut karriÀrbidrag till ett antal forskare som befinner sig i början av sin karriÀr. Docent Jennifer McConville vid institutionen för energi och teknik Àr en av Ärets fem mottagare. De tilldelas tre miljoner vardera.
Jennifer McConvilles forskning handlar om systematisk och tillÀmpat hÄllbarhetsanalys som beslutstöd inom planering och beslutsfattande nÀr det gÀller sanitet och avloppshantering. MÄlet Àr att förbÀttra resursÄtervinning frÄn dessa system genom anpassning av teknisk infrastruktur och institutionella arrangemang. Hennes forskning tillÀmpas i Sverige sÄ vÀl som lÄg och mellan-inkomstlÀnder. Hon anvÀnder livscykeltÀnkande, delaktighet och socioteknisk analys för att bÀttre förstÄ och forma planeringsprocesser sÄ att de kan utvecklas mot hÄllbarheten.
KarriÀrbidraget planerar Jennifer McConville att anvÀnda tillsammans med sin forskningsgrupp för att:
- utveckla och tillÀmpa nya tvÀrvetenskaplig metod för hÄllbarhetsanalys med fokus pÄ resursÄtervinning
- öka kunskapen om avvÀgningar mellan olika hÄllberhetsaspekter
- ta fram vÀgledning för att bytta till sanitetssystem med ökat resurseffektivisering och rÀttvis tillgÄng för all i vÀrlden
Resultatet frÄn Jennifer McConvilles forskning kommer hjÀlpa myndigheter som har ansvar för sanitet och avloppsvattenhantering att öka resursÄtervinning och vÀlja mer hÄllbara system.
Jennifer McConville awarded SLU’s Career Grant
Docent Jennifer McConville, at the Department of Energy and Technology, is one of the five researchers who has been awarded 3 million SEK as a career grant from the Vice-Chancellor of SLU.
SLUâs Career Grant is launched every second year to award researchers at the early stage of their careers. They receive a grant of 3 million SEK each. Jennifer McConville’s research uses systematic and applied sustainability analysis as decision support in planning and decision-making regarding sanitation and wastewater management. The aim is to improve resource recovery from these systems by adapting technical infrastructure and institutional arrangements. She performs her research in Sweden as well as low- and middle-income countries. She uses life cycle thinking, participation and socio-technical analysis to better understand and shape planning processes so that they can transition towards sustainability.
Jennifer McConville plans to use the career grant together with her research group to:
- Develop and apply new transdisciplinary methods for sustainability analysis with a focus on resource recovery
- Increase knowledge of trade-offs between different sustainability aspects
- Develop guidance for transitioning to sanitation systems with increased resource efficiency and equitable access for all
The results of Jennifer McConville’s research will help authorities responsible for sanitation and wastewater management to increase resource recovery and choose more sustainable systems.
PhD Defence of Prithvi Simha on Alkaline Urine Dehydration, 2nd of June
The public defence of the doctoral thesis for Prithvi Simha, entitled “Alkaline Urine Dehydration. How to dry source-separated human urine and recover nutrients?” is scheduled –
When? 2nd of June at 13:00 Where? Room Framtiden at MVM-hus at SLU in Uppsala and via Zoom Click this URL to join via Zoom: with Passcode: 732271
External reviewer: Professor Nancy Love, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.
Examining committee: Professor Annelie Hedström, LuleÄ University of Technology, LuleÄ, Sweden; Docent Sebastian Schwede, MÀlardalen University, VÀsterÄs, Sweden; and PhD Surendra Pradhan, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopia, Finland
The thesis is openly available at:
Prithvi Simha’s pre-dissertation PhD seminar
On 5th of March, Prithvi had his pre-dissertation seminar: Alklaine Urine Dehydration – how to dry urine and recover nutrients. David Gustavsson from VA SYD/Sweden Water Research was Prithvi’s opponent at the seminar and he quizzed Prithvi on his published papers as well as his preliminary thesis (or kappa). Overall, it was very interesting and long discussion ranging on topics like reactive nitrogen and ammonia capture, the use of different alkaline substrates, the use of IoT in sanitation and global sanitation outlook. With this successful seminar, Prithvi will now proceed further and have his PhD defence which is scheduled to be held on the 2nd of June in Uppsala and via zoom online. We thank David again for his thorough and insightful discussion on the topic!
Using MgO for Alkaline Dehydration of Human Urine Collected in Source-Separated Sanitation Systems
We recently published a new paper on the use of Magnesium Oxide as an alkaline substrate for dehydrating urine in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science.
Abstract: Fresh human urine, after it is alkalized to prevent the enzymatic hydrolysis of urea, can be dehydrated to reduce its volume and to produce a solid fertilizer. In this study, we investigated the suitability of MgO to alkalize and dehydrate urine. We selected MgO due to its low solubility (<2 gLâ1) and relatively high saturation pH (9.9 ± 0.2) in urine. Using a laboratory-scale setup, we dehydrated urine added to pure MgO and MgO mixed with co-substrates (biochar, wheat bran, or calcium hydroxide) at a temperature of 50°C. We found that, dehydrating urine added to a mixture of MgO (25% w/w), biochar, and wheat bran resulted in a mass reduction of >90% and N recovery of 80%, and yielded products with high concentrations of macronutrients (7.8% N, 0.7% P and 3.9% K). By modeling the chemical speciation in urine, we also showed that ammonia stripping rather than urea hydrolysis limited the N recovery, since the urine used in our study was partially hydrolyzed. To maximize the recovery of N during alkaline urine dehydration using MgO, we recommend treating fresh/un-hydrolysed urine a temperature <40°C, tailoring the drying substrate to capture NH+4 as struvite, and using co-substrates to limit the molecular diffusion of ammonia. Treating fresh urine by alkaline dehydration requires only 3.6 kg MgO capâ1yâ1 and a cost of US$ 1.1 capâ1yâ1. Therefore, the use of sparingly soluble alkaline compounds like MgO in urine-diverting sanitation systems holds much promise.
Contact: Prithvi Simha
Global survey of food consumer attitudes towards urine recycling
The findings from our multinational study that surveyed the attitudes of about 3800 people from 16 different countries, are now published in Science of the Total Environment and available here:
â Cross-cultural & country-level factors explanatory of respondent attitudes identified
â Respondents had positive intention overall but were unwilling to pay price premiums
â Social norms and cognitive awareness of urine’s benefits & risks featured strongly
â Building consumer trust via context-specific messaging can improve acceptance
Our main findings are best summarised by this picture below, which shows the strengths of association for factors explaining attitude of food consumers towards human urine as fertiliser. Factors are grouped by demographics, social norms, benefit/risk perception, substances that respondents believed are normally excreted in urine, and environmental outlooks. Dots are proportional and indicate the strength of association (CramĂ©r’s V values); dashes indicate categories that could not be analysed due to insufficient data.
Picture inserted shortly.
Contact: Prithvi Simha
Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies published!

We are very pleased to share with you the 1st edition of the Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies. The Guide is a popular science publication that gives an overview of the possible resources that can be recovered and provides guidance on treatment processes to achieve safe products for reuse. The specific objectives of this document are:
- To expose the user to a broad range of recovered sanitation products and innovative treatment technologies.
- To help the user to design functional solutions for resource recovery by illustrating the linkages between sanitation inputs, treatment technology and the recoverable products.
- To provide an overview of basic information regarding design aspects, operational requirements, and health, safety and social considerations related to resource recovery technologies and products.
- Describe and fairly present technology-specific advantages and disadvantages.
The Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products and Technologies is primarily a reference book. It is intended to be used by engineers, planners, end-users, researchers, technology developers, sanitation entrepreneurs, non-governmental organisation (NGO) staff and students who are interested in creating circular systems for resource use. It aims to support and enable decision making for increased resource recovery by providing information on key decision criteria for a range of recovered products and treatment technologies, thus highlighting the diversity of options available for resource recovery.
Links to download the guide:
Chris Buckley talks to Radio SAfm about urine drying
Last week, following our joint article on urine recycling in The Conversation Africa, Prof. Christopher Buckley from the University of KwZulu-Natal was interviewed by SAfm, South Africa’s national public radio station. In his interview with Stephen Groote, Prof. Buckley talked about our group’s pioneering urine treatment technology, alkaline dehydration, and how the technology holds promise for implementation across Africa. In the coming year, along with Prof Buckley’s research group and local stakeholders, we are hoping to implement our urine drying technology in Durban, South Africa. Listen to the interview below –
By redesigning wastewater systems, we can build a circular pee-conomy
Jenna Senecal was interviewed by Popular Science, a widely distributed magazine in North America, about the potential to safely recover nutrients from human urine to help protect the environment. Scroll down to read the article –