Running up towards exams

All right, we now have about 2 weeks left until our exam and then a further couple of days until we present our individual projects, and the steam pressure is about to overclock!

Meanwhile the temperature feels like it has dropped to less than 10 °C all day around, which really has started marked we are in the midst of autumn – trees are now getting ready for the winter, and we’re getting showered in birch leaves!

We’re also starting to see more Bohemian waxwings turn up – absolutely beautiful bird.



Juggling two large deadlines simultaneously certainly does require you to try to keep your cool, but I think we’ll manage.

Reading through earlier research on the willow ptarmigan (for my individual project) feels sort of like this foraging Eurasian nuthatch – you can’t see the tastiest insects through all the bark, but with a bit of luck listening in you’ll find they’ll tell you where they are themselves!


And every now and again – you have to treat yourself!


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