Crowd-Sourcing Data



Don’t you just get the idea sometimes that you just can’t find any chanterelles wherever you look and all you want to do is give up in pure frustration?

Well, I guess the world of researchers isn’t too far flung after all – what can happen is that some data is way too difficult to find by yourself (because it’s too expensive, time-consuming, too difficult to collect…), which is where you can come in!


It’s easier working together! 

A lot of research is actually dependent upon voluntary effort in order to find or treat enough data – whether this may be counting penguins in a picture, analyzing the development of tropical storms or even looking for anomalies in data returning from the Kepler spacecraft in order to look for new planets! (All of which I have been a part of – counting penguins was the most fun!)

If that sounds like something you’d like to try, you can help some researchers through a citizen science web portal called the Zooniverse! Who knows, you might even learn something – and all you have to do is have fun!



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