Christmas break closing in!


Umeå City Church was filled during the performance As Christmas is closing in and an increasing number of students are leaving for home, there is still much happening – last Friday I went down to Umeå City Church to see  Nationskörens christmas performance. Nationskören is open to both students and non-students alike. They mostly perform… Continue reading Christmas break closing in!

Annual Winter Fair


 Lake Nydala with the ice setting in. With the temperatures falling as we move into december (we’ve seen some nights venturing below -15 °C) the ice is starting to settle on lake Nydala, and allowing the snow to finally lighten up our shorter and shorter days. But as we move closer to christmas, the town… Continue reading Annual Winter Fair



In the midst of the Applied Populations course right now, our work is based mostly on self-studies, where we are guided or introduced to a subject by a lecture, and then given assignments to promote us in furthering our searchlights beyond the lecture content. Out of the assignments handed out so far, we’ve covered a… Continue reading Metapopulations

Meet… Anders!


Nice pike! What did you do before enrolling at F/W? I’m very glad you asked this question Carl, as it lets me elaborate on one of my favourite matters, in fact it is one very dear to me. The topic is of course me – and I can talk about myself for hours! So, after upper… Continue reading Meet… Anders!

Dissertation: Indirect effects of predation in human-modified landscapes


The result of 4 (or more!) years of hard work. This Friday we attended the doctoral dissertation of Ellinor Sahlén, who’s been studying how animals behave in a landscape altered by humans and what happens when large carnivores return. Up until now, most studies on the return of large predators have been conducted in North… Continue reading Dissertation: Indirect effects of predation in human-modified landscapes

Ski season open


View from Bräntberget in Umeå, down over Ängarna (the fields)!  With the snow piling up after what felt like a week of constant snowing – I felt it was finally time to get those skiis out of the attic and put them in their place of honor (?) right inside the door, ready to jump out… Continue reading Ski season open