Big Thanks Carl for letting me show some pictures on the blog! I’ll show some photos of Ottenby and the bird observatory where I’ve been working last autumn. We’ve mainly been ringing birds, but I managed to do some landscape, wildlife and bird photography in between. The bird observatory itself is situated on the most… Continue reading A story from Max: bird ringing at Ottenby station in Öland
Category: Okategoriserade
Meet… Jone!
What have you done before your masters programme? I grew up on a farm in Lithuania. After high school graduation decided to run away from farm life to study in another country. Scotland seem to be a wonderful option, rolling hills and fields of heather are absolutely mesmerising. So I spend 5 years in a… Continue reading Meet… Jone!
Human dimensions, poster project!
The very first project which we have had for the human dimensions course, the poster project is meant to serve as an introduction into how wildlife management systems differ between different countries! We look at questions ranging from how their management system is influenced by the front running philosophers and norms at the time at… Continue reading Human dimensions, poster project!
Start of human dimensions!
Also a fan of ye old head scratcher? As you might’ve guessed, I have once again swopped the south of sweden for Umeå in hopes of better skiing weather (and the start of this term). And with the new term, we’ve just had our first week of “Human Dimensions in fish and wildlife management” (15… Continue reading Start of human dimensions!
Another day out skiing!
As of late, the weather presenters have been good to us and blessed Umeå with proper skiing weather (which we haven’t been late to exploit!) I went out with a group of friends to take advantage of the cold weather and new fallen snow on the lake. Needless to say, Umeå can offer plenty of… Continue reading Another day out skiing!
F/W Interviews… Meet – me!
What have you done before your master’s programme? I came straight to university after I finished the natural sciences programme at upper secondary school. Since then I’ve taken a bachelors in forestry here at SLU, during which I’ve developed a profile towards environmental science (including plant science, ecology, soil science and biogeochemistry). What’s your first memory involving an… Continue reading F/W Interviews… Meet – me!
First snow!
Brrrr! As promised, here comes some more pictures of the first snow that I’ve managed to take during the day we’ve taken off to read ahead on some material This great tit seems to look on with great interest! Although its neighbor was not quite as enthused! I’d also like to take the moment to… Continue reading First snow!
Winter is coming!
Clear night skies above the frosty Umeå last weekend! Somehow, there’s always that moment of fascination that surrounds the first snow – you’re betting your friends when it’ll come, and somehow, no matter what’s going on, the world stops for a moment to look at it when it starts falling. I for one, know that… Continue reading Winter is coming!
Individual project complete!
Isn’t it just beautiful? I guess there’s just something about writing a piece of your own – whether it’s the time it takes, the passion you find, or just something completely else? As I’ve mentioned earlier, my project was all about the Willow Grouse (Eng.), or Willow Ptarmigan (Am.). But to put a twist on it,… Continue reading Individual project complete!
Group assignment on Animal Welfare
Working together… or just in close proximity of one another? As an earlier post has mentioned, this week has revolved around animal welfare – which has included not only individual projects where we must formulate our own opinions, but also group assignments where we’ve created in-depth scenarios to fill in and evaluate applications to ethical… Continue reading Group assignment on Animal Welfare