Look carefully! Picture of the day: A Great Tit (?), ISO 100, 196 mm, f/5.6, 1/160. Earlier this week we had a field exercise in distance sampling – really makes you think about how difficult it can be to spot what you’re looking for! Really so if you’re looking for something that’s (kind-of) camouflaged, small,… Continue reading Distance Sampling Field Exercise
Author: clvi0002
Autumn Arriving in Umeå
Lake Nydala. ISO 100, 24.1 mm, f/4, 1/80. Umeå truly lives up to its nickname, – the City of Birches – in autumn when the birches fill the landscape and streets in their bright, golden colors. Spent the day out at Lake Nydala (a stone’s throw away from Campus), taking photographs in the mild autumn weather which is… Continue reading Autumn Arriving in Umeå
What’cha got there, buddy?
Picture of the day: German Shorthaired Pointer, ISO 720; 178 mm; f/5.6; 1/125 We had an interesting lecture about experimental design in ecology earlier to walk us through the do’s and whatnots of conducting your own experiment: might sound strict, but in the end it’s all about how to best get the answer to your… Continue reading What’cha got there, buddy?
Specialist software
Picture of the day: Common Goldeneye, ISO 400; 143 mm; f/5.6; 1/320 Being able to understand and apply different census methods & techniques is an irreplaceable skill to any wildlife manager – perhaps today more than ever! Fortunately, the hassle of summarizing some distant data by hand is left behind at your old Stat. 101 course,… Continue reading Specialist software