What have you done before your master’s programme?
I came straight to university after I finished the natural sciences programme at upper secondary school. Since then I’ve taken a bachelors in forestry here at SLU, during which I’ve developed a profile towards environmental science (including plant science, ecology, soil science and biogeochemistry).
What’s your first memory involving an animal?
One of my very first memories includes sitting on a slight hill together with my uncle, drinking hot chocolate and looking down over a snow-laden field. Suddenly, a rabbit in full winter coat sprung out from between the spruces, startled by the dog, and spurred up the snow on the field in its wake as it rushed off along the timberline!
What made you good to go for fish and wildlife?
Although from the beginning studying forestry, the possibility to include the fish and wildlife masters programme was what attracted me from the start to start here at SLU. I have always been interested in the outdoors, and I have successively understood that to me animals and human-wildlife interaction are an important part of a thriving landscape.
I let my curiosity guide me and develop my interests –
“For in the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. And we will understand only what we are taught” -Baba Dioum
Fun hobby or fact you would like to share with us?
I’m a big fan of wildlife photography!
Dream job to land straight after graduation?
It is my dream to get a phD in an interesting subject, but due to the nature of these very specific projects, it may be difficult to land one for which I will be a good fit straight away!
I would also like to be a part of the county administrative board, as I would feel that I would be directly affecting my surroundings.
Now, Matejs questions!
Beer, wine or whiskey?
I’ve heard that you’ve lived in many different countries. Which one is your favorite, and why?
My favorite is Sweden, due to how close I can come to nature, and the freedom to roam (Allemansrätten). Although I have not yet been there, Norway seems to have good scenery….? 😉
What are you afraid of?
That changes between days! Some days I am afraid that I have too little experience compared to my peers which I will be competing with on a job market.
Through a complicated (but totally believable!) process you got selected as the new masters program coordinator. What would you change?
I would introduce a course dealing with habitat management.
What do you strive the most for in life?
I strive for making my days, on average, better and leaving myself with a sense of achievement.
Fish, birds or wildlife?
Birds are close to me, partly because of their abundance. But wildlife encounters always leave me with my breath hanging!