Did I make it?
After some grueling, high-paced 5 hours, the exam for the fish and wildlife census techniques was finally over! Although open-book and with any aid you can imagine spare answers from previous years and communication with others, this type of exam might spread a false illusion of security – but will really give you a run for your money and test not only how well versed you may be, but also how smoothly you can tackle different types of questions! So it undoubtedly rewards those who have put time and energy into their problem-solving skills, and those with excellent computer skills. It really comes down to playing to your strengths!
Had time to learn to use specialist software for this technique? – You save time!
Know how to read output without a guide? – You save time!
Master at Excel? – Why need specialist software when you can do it all in one programme?
Good at time management? – You’ll get the most points out of the exam if there’s not enough time to answer all the questions, take your pick!
But there’s one skill that’ll play stronger than any other – developing the grit to keep at it:
Good at rewarding yourself and your friends? Great, you’ll be ready come next round!
I guess it’s time to get used to the real world, again!