Don’t miss out that the Norwegians are right now broadcasting the entire reindeer migration, undertaken annually by the semi-domesticated reindeer as they are guided by their herders!
Month: April 2017
This weather…
The weather’s turned around on us, and with the (hopefully) last snowflakes of the year coming down we’ve decided to postpone the excursion to the delta in search for better weather. In the meantime I’ve had some time to go through my pictures from the bird colony. Also found a Eurasian teal which I’d missed while… Continue reading This weather…
The Delta comes back to Life
Following the evening course in forest faunistics, some of us will be joining a phD student out to the delta for some bird watching. Although not out to the delta this morning, I went down to the lake, where I got a taste for the myriad of different birds that’s coming. I was also privy to a… Continue reading The Delta comes back to Life
Read my latest article in Jaktjournalen! (Swedish)
In my newest article, I debate that we should ban the use of lead in hunting ammunition – which among other things can bioaccumulate in apex predators and cause lead poisoning. Read the entire article at Jaktjournalen or below! Debatt: Förbjud blyammunition nu! Jag vill att vi rör oss mot en framtid där jägares viltvårdsinsatser… Continue reading Read my latest article in Jaktjournalen! (Swedish)
Part of a course theme, we have been divided into groups and assigned chapters Owen-Smiths book on Megaherbivores to present and draw parallels from. Although perhaps not the most numerous, megaherbivores (herbivores >1’000 kgs) can have a very significant impact on their surroundings. Roe deers – well, they don’t exactly topple trees.
Chronic wasting disease task progressing
So far so good when it comes to how our individual tasks are progressing! Some extra time over the easter break has come in handy in setting my project up in a good state. It also comes as a humbling task, when I was struck by how urgent and precarious the situation is when it… Continue reading Chronic wasting disease task progressing
Hussein, helping us understand how diseases work in the wild
We recently were invited to come see the phD defence by Hussein Khalil, one of our best and brightest up and coming researchers, who’s been looking into how we can understand disease transmission and prevalence. In his thesis, he’s been focusing on how the Puumala Virus is spread by the Bank vole, and how disease… Continue reading Hussein, helping us understand how diseases work in the wild
Easter Break
This easter the programme decided to treat us to a 2 week break, with the catch that we do have some work to do! 😉 It does anyway come welcome to many of the international students who’ve had time to fly home and catch up with their family or have those close come visit Umeå. At… Continue reading Easter Break
New project, CWD Management Plan for the Nordics
About a third of our grade in the Fish & Wildlife Management course is based on an individual project in which we present a Policy or Management Plan which we design for anything from a local project to EU-wide implementation. In my project, I will be presenting a Policy/Mgmt. plan that which will outline suggestions for… Continue reading New project, CWD Management Plan for the Nordics
Adaptive Management
This week we’ve had lectures by Prof. Emer. Kjell Danell, who’s come in to talk to us about how adaptive management has been introduced into the Swedish Wildlife Management system (primarily Moose & Salmon). He’s also held workshops with us in implementing a learning-based management model into new situations, including a case in decreasing negative… Continue reading Adaptive Management