Nice pike! What did you do before enrolling at F/W? I’m very glad you asked this question Carl, as it lets me elaborate on one of my favourite matters, in fact it is one very dear to me. The topic is of course me – and I can talk about myself for hours! So, after upper… Continue reading Meet… Anders!
Month: November 2016
Coming interview series, Meet the F/W!
I’m proud to present that during the coming weeks I’ll be phasing in a new type of blog post, where you’ll get to meet those of us taking the fish and wildlife management programme! You’ll get a picture of who we are, working through from our background to how it came that we first… Continue reading Coming interview series, Meet the F/W!
Inventoring and monitoring fish populations
One of our captured (but soon released) Brown trout. Photo: Johanna Hägglund Turns out winter has decided to turn around at the doorstep – today I was met at the door by cold gusts of freezing rain settling down on the slush that remains of the snowfall we’ve had. So I thought it’d be the… Continue reading Inventoring and monitoring fish populations
Dissertation: Indirect effects of predation in human-modified landscapes
The result of 4 (or more!) years of hard work. This Friday we attended the doctoral dissertation of Ellinor Sahlén, who’s been studying how animals behave in a landscape altered by humans and what happens when large carnivores return. Up until now, most studies on the return of large predators have been conducted in North… Continue reading Dissertation: Indirect effects of predation in human-modified landscapes
Ski season open
View from Bräntberget in Umeå, down over Ängarna (the fields)! With the snow piling up after what felt like a week of constant snowing – I felt it was finally time to get those skiis out of the attic and put them in their place of honor (?) right inside the door, ready to jump out… Continue reading Ski season open
Glögg & Campfire out at lake Nydala
The confident strides of students from the fish and wildlife programme 16/17! What better to do during the start of a new course than to take a day off together and go hang out at the lake to celebrate finishing the exam and handing in deadlines? Here’s a snapshot I got on my mobile phone… Continue reading Glögg & Campfire out at lake Nydala
First snow!
Brrrr! As promised, here comes some more pictures of the first snow that I’ve managed to take during the day we’ve taken off to read ahead on some material This great tit seems to look on with great interest! Although its neighbor was not quite as enthused! I’d also like to take the moment to… Continue reading First snow!
Winter is coming!
Clear night skies above the frosty Umeå last weekend! Somehow, there’s always that moment of fascination that surrounds the first snow – you’re betting your friends when it’ll come, and somehow, no matter what’s going on, the world stops for a moment to look at it when it starts falling. I for one, know that… Continue reading Winter is coming!
Individual project complete!
Isn’t it just beautiful? I guess there’s just something about writing a piece of your own – whether it’s the time it takes, the passion you find, or just something completely else? As I’ve mentioned earlier, my project was all about the Willow Grouse (Eng.), or Willow Ptarmigan (Am.). But to put a twist on it,… Continue reading Individual project complete!
Exam done!
Did I make it? After some grueling, high-paced 5 hours, the exam for the fish and wildlife census techniques was finally over! Although open-book and with any aid you can imagine spare answers from previous years and communication with others, this type of exam might spread a false illusion of security – but will really… Continue reading Exam done!