You may wonder what a student on a campus like Alnarp is doing in his/ her leisure time? If you think that – here in Alnarp, in the middle of fields – we only chill in the park, next to the lecture halls or go for falafel to Lomma or Lund then you are not… Continue reading Leisure time activities around Alnarp
Author: lusn0001
2nd Agroecology Europe Forum
Here comes a short spoiler: who ever thinks that holidays in Crete, Greece could be a nice idea for this autumn is right! In the last week of September (26-28, 2019) there will the 2nd Agroecology Europe Forum take place. From experiences of older agroecology students we have heard that this forum could be a… Continue reading 2nd Agroecology Europe Forum
Hello Sweden again!
I´m back in Sweden again. I have had a nice time with friends and family abroad and in my home country, but now it was time for me to come back to Alnarp. On Monday my classes are starting again. It will be the last two weeks of the course Agroecology and Sustainability of production… Continue reading Hello Sweden again!
See you next year!
Hi there, this is our last post for this year. We are excited to look back on a semester full of studying, getting to know many nice people, experience some Swedish culture and collecting great inputs of new ideas and thoughts. We will let you know whats going on next year soon. But now it… Continue reading See you next year!
At the 13th of December the Swedes celebrate the Saint Lucy. I won´t bother you with the whole store, read more about it here: What we did to celebrate Luciafesten was having a very traditional Christmas dinner, called “Julmiddag”, with our friends here from the university. One Swede of them prepared a very nice menu… Continue reading Luciafest
Agroecology meeting
This week we met the elderly 😉 Agroecology students. It was the first time (since 2011, the starting of the Agroecology programme) that three generations of students from this programme came together. We met in the rooms of the student union, that one can book for such purposes. There we cooked a pretty diverse dinner… Continue reading Agroecology meeting
Agroecology and Sustainability of Production Systems
Hello everybody! Here is Ludwig again. As Jana already announced I am in the course Agroecology and Sustainability of Production Systems at the moment. The course builds really good up on the previous Agroecology basics course. As you know, I have studied Agricultural sciences already in my bachelors, so there is much repetition in all the… Continue reading Agroecology and Sustainability of Production Systems
Lets talk about assignments …
… these days are very busy with studying. Soon the first course Agroecology basics comes to an end what means that there will be an assignment finally. During the whole course we had some little assignments where we had to write short scientific papers or hold presentations about different topics. The final assignment at the end will… Continue reading Lets talk about assignments …
A sunny autumn in Skåne
Hi there! Today I woke up with the sun tickling my nose. After breakfast I hoped on my bike and enjoyed 15 minutes ride to Alnarp campus between sun, fields with newly sawn cerials, colourful trees in red-yellow-green-brown-ish, and some birds picking seeds from the fields and twittering in the beautiful morning light. I just… Continue reading A sunny autumn in Skåne
“A-HA Svenska Äpplen”
Today, on a wonderful Swedish autumn weekend, we went to Kivik at the east coast of Skåne. There we went to a so called “Skördefest” an harvest festival which was all about apples. Yes, you read right: an apple festival! What an amazing thing. 😀 There we saw documentaries about apple orchards, apple growing and… Continue reading “A-HA Svenska Äpplen”