Hello to everyone out there! This is our officially last post (before the summer). The administration of SLU is not sure at the moment in what format and if they want to continue with the student blogs at all. That makes us sad, since we experienced (from your comments and messages) that it was always… Continue reading We´re off for the summer!
Author: lusn0001
First AgriPub 2019
To take responsibility as an Agroecologist and facilitate the dialogue between different actors of the food-system, I am right now organising a new event, called AgriPub. It will take place tomorrow evening in the student union house and invites anyone who is interested in food and agriculture related questions. We, as students, want to create… Continue reading First AgriPub 2019
Another time into the Swedish wild …
Sweden – the country of the lakes and forests. These days, when the sun shines warmer the days remain longer, the nature calls us out – one and another time. We don´t have to travel far to dive into a nearby lake, take a boat tour and explore lonely islands. Therefore, we travelled to the… Continue reading Another time into the Swedish wild …
A farm visit and help out at Landet Oss
This weekend we followed the call from a farm near Höör that needed urgent help for planting and seedbed preparation. The two women Cecilia and Monica moved out from the city Malmö to the countryside and become rural farmers near the Lake Ringsjön. Therefore, they left heir urban farm behind, or better to say took… Continue reading A farm visit and help out at Landet Oss
Field season has started
Since last week the weather is continuously getting better and the most of the days are sunny and the day temperatures are quite nice. That means that the fields are dried up and the seedbed preparation and the drilling of the first crops has started. As well on the farm were Ludwig is working the… Continue reading Field season has started
Agroecology Day 2019 in progress …
Maybe You are wondering how it is going with organising the Agroecology Day 2019? To answer this question: we have really made some progress in the last weeks. Firt of all, the date is fix: 8th of May. Hopefully we can send out an livestream that you can follow the lectures as well from at… Continue reading Agroecology Day 2019 in progress …
Agroecology in transition
Here comes a special insight into the development of the Agroecology programme at Alnarp that seems to be currently stuck in its own development. Since nine years the programme is existing now. But still there is not the success, in terms of applicant numbers and participants, that was aimed by the founders. Furthermore, the programme… Continue reading Agroecology in transition
Part II of the course Environmental Economics and MANAGEMENT
Hej, today, the second part of our current course “Environmental Economics and Management” has started. The Management part of this course is led by another PhD Student then the first one. The examination will be to write an individual paper about Management, to what we will be introduced next week. So later more about that…… Continue reading Part II of the course Environmental Economics and MANAGEMENT
Working as a farmer
Recently, I (Ludwig) was hired on a farm as part-time farmer here in Skåne. I was lucky to get this job because this farm needs some more working force, due to its conversion to organic. Organic farming means more work in several areas. For instance in the weed management it seems quite efficient, to spray… Continue reading Working as a farmer
Kallbadhus (Sauna) in Bjärred
We already mentioned the traditional Sauna in this blog before. Therefore I want to write about it briefly to give an insight to you how amazing this activity can be. Several times now we have been in Bjärred, a town near Alnarp where you can find a Sauna in the almost middle of the sea!… Continue reading Kallbadhus (Sauna) in Bjärred