Today we want to introduce Jakriborg in Hjärup to you, a housing area near Alnarp. As you can see in the picture, parts of Hjärup are really colourful and made in an old style. The town Hjärup is separated by a railway station which connects Lund and Malmö. On the one side of it, you… Continue reading Jakriborg
Author: jaza0002
Agroecology Day 2019
Even if the Agroecology Day is already a while ago, we would like to draw a short resume. We started the day with a short introduction of the program and the topic we have chosen. We decided on the topic of food security and how the role of Agroecology is imperative to this. Our first… Continue reading Agroecology Day 2019
City garden Malmö & flowering rapeseed
At the weekend we visited Malmö and the city garden near the castle.You can find almost every common edible plant there: from peppermint, rosemary, rhubarb to kohlrabi and a pheasant (who is supposed to to be eaten of course ;))! We also watched different birds and their small offspring. Ducks, coots, swans and pheasants are… Continue reading City garden Malmö & flowering rapeseed
Karneval på Alnarp
At the first of May we celebrated Karneval at campus Alnarp! The agriculture bachelor students mainly organised the day and it was just great!They grilled, built some fancy cars with which they drove through campus and had a competition between the two teams around the little pond which is located at campus as well. The… Continue reading Karneval på Alnarp
Excursion to 3 different farms!
Yesterday our course was divided into three small groups to visit three different farms: Rinnebäcks gård/ Värpinge golfbana, Bokeslundsgården & Romelekött. Two of them we already visited now but our group went to Romelekött, a farm in Veberöd.They have around 300ha crop land, 150ha forest and 150ha grazing land for their cows and sheeps. The… Continue reading Excursion to 3 different farms!
Partnership Alnarp
Today I will tell you something about Partnership Alnarp, an organisation which enables knowledge transfer from research at SLU Alnarp to businesses and companies (partners) in Southern Sweden. Partnership Alnarp is run by a main facilitator, C.-O. Schwartz, who works there half-time, and two other half-time employees. One major problem today is that scientific results… Continue reading Partnership Alnarp
Project management and process facilitation
Hej hej, for several weeks we have been taking the course project management and process facilitation now. The general aim of the course is to provide an overview of the need for stakeholder collaboration. We work a lot with approaches of individual and collaborative development and a main part of this is the advisory service… Continue reading Project management and process facilitation
Yeah: it is official! #AED19
At the end of March Ludwig wrote something about the Agroecology Day… and on Friday we printed our posters and the program flyers! So, there is no way back anymore. 😉 Our theme this year will be on Food Security and how the role of Agroecology is imperative to this. With the various lectures we… Continue reading Yeah: it is official! #AED19
Events at Alnarp
Hej hej, today I want to talk a bit about events that are going on here at Alnarp because there is always an interesting event to participate. So, if you are bored from your studies, you can always get inspired by another lecture 😉A few weeks ago we attended an event organised by the Lantmästare… Continue reading Events at Alnarp
Entrepreneurship & the end of the third course
The first part of the heading of this blog post was the topic which we we dealt with the last couple of weeks. As we already wrote, the first lectures of the management part of the course were quite promising, and we can say now that the rest of this part was great as well!We… Continue reading Entrepreneurship & the end of the third course