Now it´s my turn – Ludwig is writing here. As Jana already mentioned we are running that blog together and are trying to keep you updated as often as possible what is going on in Alnarp.
So where to start … that is hard! We are already here for about three weeks and the time runs fast. Because the semester in Sweden already starts at beginning of September there was not really a gap for us between finishing our Bachelors in Germany an the beginning of the Masters in Alnarp. Maybe I start to introduce myself and my background a litte bit:
I´ve studied Agricultural Sciences together with Jana in Germany. That education was quite focused on large scale farming in a conventional way. Because in Germany there are a lot of big farms that you could not imagine here in Sverige. (By the way: we are trying to lern Swedish so don´t be afraid if there will be some Swenglish in between. My goal is to be fluent at Svensk one time.)
I mentioned large scale farming because Agroecology (in Alnarp) is mainly focussed on smaller farms. I mean e.g. the farm that is runned by the SLU here in Alnarp works on 430 ha, what is not really large in german scales, but yet for Sweden.
The Agroecology concept what we are exploring and learning here in our first Agroecology basics course is a holistic view on the whole food system that includes ecosystems, sciences as well as social aspects as humans defined as parts of the ecosystem.
So far so good. Now I just did a jump with you in to the content of the study program. Hopefully you have got a little insight and we will definitely share more of that with you.
As well we are going to tell you how our life in Sweden is going on and what´s happening besides studying. I promise: it´s going to be exciting! 😉
Vi ses (see you)!