Maybe You are wondering how it is going with organising the Agroecology Day 2019?
To answer this question: we have really made some progress in the last weeks. Firt of all, the date is fix: 8th of May. Hopefully we can send out an livestream that you can follow the lectures as well from at home. The list of speakers is almost complete. We will have a knowledge market as well, were different enterprises, organisations and projects can share their ideas. Furthermore, there is a workshop in the planning process, in cooperation with Agroecology students from the University in Oslo, Norway. We have managed to get some funding as well to reimburse the speakers for travel-costs and invite them for lunch and, of course, Fika! (Unfortunately the SLU itself does not see much importance in the Agroecology Day and will not contribute with any funding… thats another reason for enforcing the initiative, mentioned in the last blogpost here.)
Så, now you have got an short insight into the process and status. There is still some work to do, but we are already excited and looking forward to the day. We will keep you updated with the programme when released and so on.
Spread the word – #AED19