Yesterday our course was divided into three small groups to visit three different farms: Rinnebäcks gård/ Värpinge golfbana, Bokeslundsgården & Romelekött. Two of them we already visited now but our group went to Romelekött, a farm in Veberöd.They have around 300ha crop land, 150ha forest and 150ha grazing land for their cows and sheeps. The… Continue reading Excursion to 3 different farms!
Month: April 2019
Partnership Alnarp
Today I will tell you something about Partnership Alnarp, an organisation which enables knowledge transfer from research at SLU Alnarp to businesses and companies (partners) in Southern Sweden. Partnership Alnarp is run by a main facilitator, C.-O. Schwartz, who works there half-time, and two other half-time employees. One major problem today is that scientific results… Continue reading Partnership Alnarp
Project management and process facilitation
Hej hej, for several weeks we have been taking the course project management and process facilitation now. The general aim of the course is to provide an overview of the need for stakeholder collaboration. We work a lot with approaches of individual and collaborative development and a main part of this is the advisory service… Continue reading Project management and process facilitation
Yeah: it is official! #AED19
At the end of March Ludwig wrote something about the Agroecology Day… and on Friday we printed our posters and the program flyers! So, there is no way back anymore. 😉 Our theme this year will be on Food Security and how the role of Agroecology is imperative to this. With the various lectures we… Continue reading Yeah: it is official! #AED19
A farm visit and help out at Landet Oss
This weekend we followed the call from a farm near Höör that needed urgent help for planting and seedbed preparation. The two women Cecilia and Monica moved out from the city Malmö to the countryside and become rural farmers near the Lake Ringsjön. Therefore, they left heir urban farm behind, or better to say took… Continue reading A farm visit and help out at Landet Oss
Field season has started
Since last week the weather is continuously getting better and the most of the days are sunny and the day temperatures are quite nice. That means that the fields are dried up and the seedbed preparation and the drilling of the first crops has started. As well on the farm were Ludwig is working the… Continue reading Field season has started