Hej hej,
today we had our first written exam during the Master´s program here at SLU.
As I told you before, our current course “Environmental Economics and Management” is dividid into two parts: economics and management. We had 5 hours time today to answer 33 questions about economics. It was definitely feasible!
For next week we are divided into three smaller groups and each group has to hand-in a short paper and will have a presentation about one of these topics: degrowth, circular economy and sharing economy. Quit interesting topics!
After this, we are finished with the economic part. One of the most cool things I learned during economics was how to value non marketed good and services, like ecosystem services. We got to know five different valuation techniques and discussed advantages and disadvantages of them. “Conventional”/Neo-classic economics hardly considers non-marketed values of environmental services. Environmental and ecological economics consider those values more and I think it so important to calculate also for externalities because otherwise our resources will become more scarce, damages in environment will become more and more irreversible and future generations will not have the choices we had.
For the next task we have one week time to prepare for, enough time to travel! We will go to Germany, pruning some trees, visiting friends and enjoying the six hours ferry from Trelleborg to Rostock! 😉
And yes, we are still planning the Agroecology day and it is so exciting! Till now we developed a topic and at the moment we are organising funding for our possible speakers, contacting the speakers and informing ourselves about the procedure of booking rooms at SLU and stuff like this. It still will take time to present you our fixed program but as you know: the greatest pleasure lies in the anticipation! 🙂