Christmas break closing in!


Umeå City Church was filled during the performance As Christmas is closing in and an increasing number of students are leaving for home, there is still much happening – last Friday I went down to Umeå City Church to see  Nationskörens christmas performance. Nationskören is open to both students and non-students alike. They mostly perform… Continue reading Christmas break closing in!



In the midst of the Applied Populations course right now, our work is based mostly on self-studies, where we are guided or introduced to a subject by a lecture, and then given assignments to promote us in furthering our searchlights beyond the lecture content. Out of the assignments handed out so far, we’ve covered a… Continue reading Metapopulations

Dissertation: Indirect effects of predation in human-modified landscapes


The result of 4 (or more!) years of hard work. This Friday we attended the doctoral dissertation of Ellinor Sahlén, who’s been studying how animals behave in a landscape altered by humans and what happens when large carnivores return. Up until now, most studies on the return of large predators have been conducted in North… Continue reading Dissertation: Indirect effects of predation in human-modified landscapes

Individual project complete!


Isn’t it just beautiful? I guess there’s just something about writing a piece of your own – whether it’s the time it takes, the passion you find, or just something completely else? As I’ve mentioned earlier, my project was all about the Willow Grouse (Eng.), or Willow Ptarmigan (Am.). But to put a twist on it,… Continue reading Individual project complete!

Exam done!


Did I make it? After some grueling, high-paced 5 hours, the exam for the fish and wildlife census techniques was finally over! Although open-book and with any aid you can imagine spare answers from previous years and communication with others, this type of exam might spread a false illusion of security – but will really… Continue reading Exam done!

Group assignment on Animal Welfare


Working together… or just in close proximity of one another? As an earlier post has mentioned, this week has revolved around animal welfare – which has included not only individual projects where we must formulate our own opinions, but also group assignments where we’ve created in-depth scenarios to fill in and evaluate applications to ethical… Continue reading Group assignment on Animal Welfare