Attitude construction


A big part of the human dimensions course has looked on how and why people react differently to situations: It might depend on their previous experiences, their ethic, level of interest or emotional investment; but centrally, you can through the systematic use of previous statements or by interview construct vertical and horizontal structures relating attitudes to core values… Continue reading Attitude construction

Exploring Human-Wildlife Conflict


One major assignment which we’ve had during the Human Dimensions course caters towards improving our analytical thinking and writing skills. Tasked with  writing a qualitative report on a Human-Wildlife Conflict, we set out in completely different directions depending upon our interests – some examples of what we’ve done include: Beaver Conflict in Sweden, Reintroduction of… Continue reading Exploring Human-Wildlife Conflict

Strategy Development


Last week we were guested by Anders Esselin, who’s a professional facilitator & communicator with a background in the natural sciences and journalism. He’s also been a long-time teacher in this course, giving us lectures about participatory processes and strategy. Companies are always stressed about which direction they will take – how will this affect… Continue reading Strategy Development